GAS X????????????
I Have a question are we allowed to take chewable gas x.
For the past 4 hours I have been so full of gas and sick to my tummy not not what has caused it but If I can I would love to take a chewable gasx. Has anyone had this problem, my tummy hurts its gurgling and I have alot of gas does it sound like anything anyone has had? Well gonna wait to check back hopefully someone will know if I can take a gas x.
Yes, I have taken Gas X, but I prefer the dissovable ones. However, my doctor says that there is nothing in them that can harm us. I was instructed a few weeks ago, when I had to take the Bariatric Drano to finally help, I had something stuck on the way out of my pouch.
Hope you feel better soon.
I only have the chalking chewable ones but anything to hep with this what ever it is,,,, Do you think maybe something got stuck there or anything like that? I have no clue what feels like what?
right now I am very nause again I just brushed my teeth and rised my mouth from where i had the tooth pulled.