Memorial Day (the real meaning)

Darlene H.
on 5/25/07 8:16 am - Pinson, TN
 Eagle            Ribbon              Memorial Day Female Salute    As we approach the upcoming holiday of Memorial Day, I would like for all of you to take the time to remember a veteran or a current serving soldier.  These brave people put their life on the line everyday to insure that we have the freedoms that we do.  They are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons , daughters but most of all they are brave defenders of freedom.  They take pride in their job and do  wonderful at it.  Whether or not you agree with the war in Iraq is irrelevant, these soldiers defend the freedom of speech that you have to protest, to (God forbid) burn flags, and ,as in the Vietnam era, spit in their face .  You don't have to agree with war to show these folks the respect they deserve.  Again, this Memorial Day, take the time to thank God for these defenders of freedom.  Go to a nursing home and thank a veteran, write a letter to a deployed soldier, or put a flag on the grave of a member of the fallen.  Whatever you do, just remember that Memorial Day is more than a day to cook out and drink with your friends, but because of these fallen heroes, you have the freedom to do so.   Remember: Some Gave All, but All Gave Some     Happy Memorial Day to all Thank you to all Veterans, deployed Troops and all defenders of my freedom. Darlene Hughes
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 5/25/07 9:58 am - Knoxville, TN
Darlene, You said it perfectly.............. Annrenee
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