No Dumping
For lunch today I packed some turkey and a thing of yogurt. I decided to eat my yogurt 1st because I like it cold. I had eaten all but about 2 bites when I decided to look and see how much protein was in it. When I read the nutritional info I about died! To my horror I read that it had 32 grams of sugar!!! I had picked up the low-fat instead of the low-sugar!!! I panicked!! I called my husband and then went to the office to "hang-out" with the school nurse. I'm not sure what the nurse was going to do, but it made me feel better. Anywho, I waited and waited for something to happen and after 45 min the only thing I had was a slight headache. I didn't dump. Is this normal?
Dumping is so weird, some things I dump on you may not. I even know a lady that dumps on lettuce . Some things w/o sugar may make you dump too. You may eat something one day and be fine and eat the same thing the next day and dump. Sugar alcohols make me dump, MSG in chinese food, etc. I would say this could be normal.