Something yummy to try
Greetings friends,
Two weeks ago while shopping in Ingles with my cousin I noticed that I was in the syrup area. I told my cousin I wish there was a chocolate syrup that did not have anything and taste great too. Well as I was looking for my cousin, I found by my surprise a chocolate syrup that said Fat Free, Sugar Free, Calorie Free, Carb. Free and Gluten Free. My cousin told me to try it. I said it could taste like the nastiness stuff on earth. Or my cousin said it could taste so good.
So I bought it for like $3.00 to 5.00 a 12oz. bottle. It took me until last night to try it. I was needing a glass of milk and I want a little chocolate syrup in it. It took less than a table spoon. And I took a drink thinking the worest of the stuff. To my surprise it tasted so good.
It tasted great and smelled great too.
I am totally telling everybody about this chocolate syrup to try. If you want a little taste without the sugar or the calories or carbs. This is the thing to try.
Walden Farms Calories Free Flavored Chocolate Syrup.
It is Fat Free, Sugar free, Gluten free and Carb. free.
Ingredents: Triple Filtered water, Defatted Cocoa power, Carmel Color, Natural Flavors, Cellulose Gum, Sucralose,salt, Potassium sorbate(to preserve freshness), vanilla flavor, Lactic Acid, Xantham Gum
It is totally free of every thing ,but 1% sodium which is 35 mg. and that is all. Walden Farms makes this and other great things for us. I Found mine at Ingles. But if you are having trouble there is the information for those of you who wants to try it.
Walden Farms: 1-800-229-1706
Try the chocolate syrup on many things or for a taste of chocolate just a teaspoon without guilt. They also offer a mailing catalog for those who do not like to order on-line or to show others.
I hope you all give it a try.
Plus go to Wal-mart in the deli area they are now sell sugar free cup cakes with only 80 calories and they taste great and you only get a small one the size of two thumbs togather. Not much but we do not eat much. And you can treat yourself every now and another too.
Plus Food city is now offering sugar free or no sugar added cakes and things in there deli area. I have not try these yet. But I have smell them. And if the smell this good then they have to taste great. These are good items to try and still watch your weight and what you eat without feeling guilty.
I am always on the look out for things we can have with us doing without or feeling lefted out. I hope these things and suggestions have helped you all.
Your friend,
Tina Cannon