Question for All Post-ops

on 5/23/07 12:04 pm - Lebanon, TN
I have a few questions for those of you on the losing side of this journey.   First, I was wondering if you have any advise for the hospital stay and after the surgery that you wish you knew ahead of time that would've made the time after surgery and the first week easier?  Something maybe nobody told you or that you wish you had brought to the hospital, etc.?  Second, Is there something you had wished you done or worked on more before surgery?  Such as would walking/exercising more have helped your recovery? Third,  I have read generic lists of drink, vitamins, etc to have on hand.  But what all have you found to be the best tasting product, the easiest vitamins to take, etc? I appreciate any input and advise you have for me and any others who are heading for surgery.  Thanks!  Lisa
on 5/23/07 12:26 pm - Hermitage, TN
Hi Lisa,  Here's some answers to your questions... 1) Advice for the hosptial stay...I wish someone had told me that it was difficult sleeping in the hospital bed following surgery. I was not comfortable and ended up sleeping in the recliner.  I also wish that someone had told me about  bloating...I was terribly bloated following surgery.  One thing that helped me, was bringing my favorite shower gels.  It helped and was soothing when I got my bath.   2) There's nothing I can think of that I wish had done before surgery.  LOL! It was funny, I actually got a pedicure the night before surgery! The thing that helped with recovery, was listen to the doctor, walk when they say walk, don't push yourself too much, and use the breathing treatment.  3) ACHIEVE ONE!  I love this protien drink! That is really the best tasting drink.  The vitamins aren't pleasant, but I do like the B-12 sublinguals and the calcium citrate...they are actually yummy.  I hope this helps.  I wish you luck.  When is your surgery?  -Alyssa
on 5/23/07 12:42 pm - Lebanon, TN
Thanks for the advice.  I am going to write everything down people say to help me prepare.  Right now I am nearing the end of the second month of the 3 month required Aetna pre surgical program. So I am hoping I am only 2 1/2 months away from surgery.
on 5/23/07 1:25 pm - Springfield, TN

Personally, I tried to prepare myself mentally as much as possible. That meant reading as many profiles on OH as possible and reading several books on the subject and researching online....preparing myself as much as possible for the unexpected. Everything that happened at the hospital I expected, I expected the "grieving" of food - which I did about a week after surgery. I sa****ching foodnetwork bawling my eyes out. Finding support through my hospital's program, here on OH and local support group has helped me immensley. A lot of people don't think to bring things of comfort with them to the hospital... I brought my favorite blanket and pillow as well as pajamas - this made my stay so much better... I'm such a creature of comfort. Prior to surgery, I gained 8lbs from all the "last suppering" I did. I wish I never did that...  I could probably be at 180 right now..but I enjoyed myself while doing it!! :-) I had a very easy recovery... my energy levels were pretty much nonexistant, but I regained strength over time and lots of protein and water ! I didn't ever experience any major amount of pain...just a little discomfort. The Bariatric Advantage brand vitamins are the ones I take..some take others but this is just what I've stuck with since surgery. AchievOne protein drinks are my favorite though I haven't really tried very many varieties.. I just was lucky to find one that I really liked and have stuck with it. Good luck Lisa! I hope this helps :-) April



Elena Dench
on 5/23/07 7:14 pm - La Vergne, TN
1) Take your pillow with you.  Hospital pillows are flat as pita bread! 2) Bring your pj's or a "lounge" outfit, something with a low waist. 3) Have someone stay overnight with you, especially the first night. 4) Walk, walk, walk.  But don't overdo it. 5) Don't be afraid  to ask for help. 6) Bring your own toiletries (just for  your own comfort). I am going to try the bariatric advantage vitamins.  Today was the first day I took my calcium and repliva (iron/b12) pills and they both made me feel miserable.  Way, way too big!! I had my last "hoorah" with food.  Sorta wished I hadn't, but I went home before starting the liquid diet and went to a birthday party and out to dinner a few times.  Tasted great and it's a great memory (haha), but I'd be less those pounds I gained during that time. I had prepared myself for the pain and nausea, but it never really happened.  What I didn't really realize was how exhausted I was for a little more than a week after.  Lung capacity really deminished; I'm really glad I wasn't a smoker.  Walking and using the incentive spirometer helps with that though.  Good luck and you'll be on the other side soon!!  ~~Elena 

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Darlene H.
on 5/23/07 10:32 pm - Pinson, TN

Lisa, As for hospital advice, I don't have much. The only thing I wish that I had done different was have the surgery sooner.  LOL I don't have a favorite protein, but ISOPURE is awful and your tastes will change, what you like before surgery won't taste the same after, so you probably will have to find a flavor you like after surgery. As for vitamins, you must remember to take them, if you are having RNY they could be very important for you.  The vitamins I take are: 2 flintstone chewables (Walmart brand is cheaper) B-12 sublingual (I take one a day, but the norm is one a week) Calcium citrate 1200mg (I do Bariatric Advantage, make sure it's citrate not any other type of calcium) Vitamin D ( I have a script because mine was way low) Iron 29mg (Bariatric Advantage Passion Fruit chewable-most other irons taste nasty) Coromega (Omega 3, orange flavored, but if you get 3 or more servings of fish a week you won't need this,  it is fish oil supplement) You will need to do chewable or liquid so that you can absorb.  Also, don't take calcium and iron together.  You have to take them at least 2 hours apart for your body to absorb them.(They don't allow proper absortion if taken together). The best advice is to follow YOUR dr's orders.  Each doc has their own way of doing things and when you ask for advice we tell you what our dr reccommends, but this may be different from what your dr reccommends, so always go with your doc.

Good luck on your WLS journey,  Darlene

Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 5/24/07 11:07 am - Hermitage, TN
Darlene, How does the passion fruit iron tablet taste? I take the strawberry and tastes like strawberry flavored blood...not that I'm a vampire...haha.  That's the vitamin I can't stand taking.  The others are tolerable.   -Alyssa
Darlene H.
on 5/24/07 10:33 pm - Pinson, TN
Alyssa, I like the flavor, it taste kinda like a sweet tart.  No medicine or yucky iron aftertaste.  I haven't tried the strawberry. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

Kym B.
on 5/24/07 3:59 pm, edited 5/24/07 3:59 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN

I had an open RNY so I am not sure how much of my hospital experience will apply to you, but here goes.   Take a very firm pillow or a lapdesk with you to apply pressure to your belly when you is much better to do this than use the binder in my opinion.  Have someone with you the first night and the second if possible.  Request a fan as soon as you get there.  Take chapstick because your lips will get very dry.  Bring comfy slipper socks because the ones they provide are not long enough.

I wish I had gotten used to not eating and drinking together...that was hard to get used to.  I also wished I had NOT spent so much money on protein before hand since most of it has been sitting in my pantry ever since...I have given lots away and given some to my down the drain.  My recovery was hard due to being open, but I honestly do not think anything I could have done before hand would have changed this. I use a complete chewable vitamin from Walmart.  I know most advocate the BA vitamins but I can't afford them and my surgeon has given the okay on the ones I use and they are cheap.  They also have iron in them so I don't have to take extra iron but once a day.  I use BA iron in passion fruit...I love them and can't taste the iron.  Calcium is hard for me...I hate the lozenges because they are too chalky but I can't stand the Tropical Oasis I alternate between the two.  I find that doing this keeps me from getting too burnt out on one or the other.  The TO is easy to take and some like the orange yogurt taste, I just don't.  The lozenges are not so bad if you chew them instead of letting them disolve and it is okay to do this! My favorite protein drinks are AchievOne's in Cappucino and Mocha Java and Matrix Cookies N Cream. Good luck and I hope we have provided some good answers.  I also agree with as many profiles as you will find that there will be some that you will keep coming back to again and again!

Pre-surgery weight: 316  Current weight: 122


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