My time clock is ticking again
OK after years of being obese, and never wanting to be disappointed by not having someone to love me, I shut that door, locked it up tighter than David Copperfield's magic trick where he puts all those chains on the trunk... lol
But now that I am smaller, my time clock has started to tick. God Lord it reverberates so loudly that sometimes I think THE WHOLE WORLD must hear it! But evidently they can't hear it because NO MEN ARE LOOKING... Hello? I'm single!
Ya all know I am just me. I am not gonna lie or hide my feelings. So I am just gonna say it. I AM READY to find someone. If you have a nice friend that you think I will like, walk em on up here and let me see!
Hey girl I hear ya. Even though I was married before but have now been divorced for 7 years. I am more than ready to move on but seems like now that I feel better about myself no one seems interested. What's up with that?? Wish I knew someone I could introduce you to but I am in the same boat as you are. What's a girl to do??