crying;( I really need your prayers..........
My mother lives in MI her and my step father who I am very close with there health is not good, mom had flu last week, a couple of years ago my step fathers health went after my Grandpa died. My step dad was leagly dead they brought him back 2 he was on life support ever since then he has not been the same andmy mother COPD heart and more. I called my mom a little bit ago and found out saturday my step dad had fell out of bed very sick with flu and he had made a pooooo mess and was trying to help mom clean it up off there new carpet and he fell face first into it (out cold) and rug burned his head. they rushed him to the hospital and he ahd the flu Pnamonia(spelling) and there not sure what is going on in his brain my mother didnt call any off us cus she didnt want us to worry and there wasnt much to tell...... grrrr that hurts me about my mother. they never let us know what is going on. I want to fly home so bad to help them and I cant.....I feel GUILTY for not being there before mom had the flu last week my 92 year old grandma broke her foot and mom had to do all that and take care of her. MY big brother is in surgery right now removing part of his colon, last Nov mom was rush in hospital emegency surgery and has a POUCH pooo bag.
My dh has been working so hard around the house and still taking me to the doc today incase i have to opened back up... plus he has to work tonight and he has to deal with me and my emotions......please say a prayer for strength for us please you all are so great. THANK YOU
You are definitely in my prayers. Just know that all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) I am believing God to heal each and everyone in the family (for, indeed, when it rains it pours!) in the mighty name of Jesus! The blood of Jesus covers ALL from Tennesee to Michigan...for He is an Omnipresent God who can handle any- and everything! Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you! (I Peter 5:7)