Ugghh - Drs who blame WLS!

Misty A.
on 5/17/07 11:14 pm - White House, TN
I just do not get it. Why do some Drs who learn you have had WLS blame every freakin problem wrong with you on that!! It is ridiculous. You could have a headache - oh thats a complication from the WLS. PPPaaLLLEASE!!! Without getting into everything I am going through the short version is - I was referred to a specialist yesterday regarding some medical issues I am dealing with. Granted - they are primarily digestive issues but they are mostly related to the IBS I have - which I had before WLS. This so-called "specialist" basically just came out and said "You did this to yourself by having the WLS and now you just have to live with it the rest of your life". I mean how rude can you be. He did say, "I will run all the tests to make sure there isn't anything more serious going on with you but basically I don't think there is and you have WLS to thank for your issues." Now granted, if these tests do come back fine, then he could be somewhat right but he could have been nicer about it. But if they do find something in my tests, then I am going to LAUGH in his face and say "I TOLD YOU SO"!. It's ashame that I want them to find something in my tests - a reason for my problems - just so I can be right! I had IBS before surgery and had to deal with these issues so I think I am much happier dealing with those same issues smaller and more healthier after WLS than I was dealing with these same issues before surgery. Why do some Drs have to blame every freakin problem on WLS like we "did this to ourself". I would like to think these kinds of Drs are few and far between but I doubt it and can only assume, unfortunatley, I am not the only one to run into a Dr like this. Thanks for letting me vent this morning! Misty
on 5/17/07 11:46 pm - Knoxville, TN
I am one that can say I have IBS and I had it befor the WLS so NO DOC its not do to WLS. But my problem is CConsitpation part after years of the other loose bowels. I wish I could help you but I do want you to know I agree with you, OTHER doctors NEED not to BLAME WLS on other problems that we have. he isa rude and Iwould ask for a new doc. Annrenee
Susan J.
on 5/18/07 12:17 am - Madison, TN
He sounds like the kind of doctor who, prior to WLS, would have blamed your problems on your weight. I'd have to find a doc who was a bit more informed about WLS. Maybe your surgeon can recommend someone.
Misty A.
on 5/18/07 1:00 am - White House, TN
EXACTLEY. You can't win either way - its your fault for being overweight and its your fault for having surgery to not be overweight! Its like some Drs just want to blame the patient. Unfortunatley, my PCP and my surgeon referred me to this guy. Both of them are aware whats going on with me and the problems and symptoms warranted a specialist for some test just to make sure it is nothing more severe than an IBS attack. My PCP and my surgeon (who know me very well) are the ones wanting the test done so I would think they know what they are talking about. This specialist was like "Fine, we will do the test they want but for no good reason". Obviously I am over exagerating exactley what he said but he might as well had said it that way. And I trust my PCP and Surgeon who know my health more than I trust someone I just met who does not know me from adam. I am trying not to get upset about it but I have been having some medical issues lately and I have not been feeling well and that last thing I wanted when I went to this specialist yesterday was for someone to tell me to live with it because I did it to myself! I know I have to live with IBS for the rest of my life but it is possible that there is something more going on with me based on what I have been going through lately (which is abnormal from normal IBS symptoms). Yes, I am angry at him but I am more hurt. I just do not want him to be right and I am going to have to feel this sick the rest of my life. I had this surgery so I would feel better and lately, I have just been feeling bad everyday and dealing with these issues. Hopefully these tests will figure it out and if there is something going on, then this Dr may learn not to blame WLS on everything. Thanks! Misty
Susan J.
on 5/18/07 3:24 am - Madison, TN
I'd let your PCP and your surgeon know what this guy's attitude is like. They may be able to educate him or find someone else to refer patients to.
Kathy Newton
on 5/18/07 5:59 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Misty, I agree with Susan in letting your Dr.'s know about this Dr. My problem is no one will do an ultra sound on several knots that are popping up all over my arms, breasts, thighs, and calves. They say it's from the leukemia. Give me a break. I've had leukemia for 2 years that I know of, and they're just now popping up and staying bruised. When I accidently put my B-12 shot in one of the knots, it not only broke the needle, but blood went every where. I don't think that is normal. But I agree, I've had them tell me that it's because I had WLS. I flat out told this one Dr. that he wasn't for me and I found another Dr. I wish you the best in finding out what is going on and make him eat his words. Love ya, Kathy
on 5/18/07 12:51 pm - Madison, TN
When I recently told my surgeon that I was going to a counselor, his first question: does he know how to deal with weight loss patients? OK, then every doctor you go see should have the same response. Does he know how to deal with weight loss patients? PCP, Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, etc etc. Does he/she know how to deal with weight loss patients? I dont care if he is going to put a friggin bandaid on my little pinkie toe. Does he or does he not know how to deal with weight loss patients? I bet if doctors stopped referring to those jerks, maybe they would get educated really quick since their practice would dwindle... as fast as surgery is spreading.
Kym B.
on 5/18/07 4:16 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
This post and the replies really make me thankful for the PCP I have. He has been my doc since I was 11. I have even wondered about some issues being wls related and he has been the one quick to say, "oh, no, I'm sure that's not the cause...let's look at all the possibilities." He has been so excited about my weight loss and very positive about things.
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