Important question.
I need to ask a question. Ok I had my surgery 1 week ago today. I just got out of the hospital yesterday. I had a couple of compliations. Well Now here I am and I have a head ache. I had those before the surgery but was told that after surgery it could mean a blood clot. I am freaking out. What do I need to do? Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!!!!!
Thanks you two. I called the hospital and talked to the nurses that took care of me for a week and The nurse told me the symptoms for a blood clot and I had none of them. We figured it was my blood sugar dropping and after I drank some oj and milk It got better. I just keep freaking out over everything. I am going through a food mourning period and keep finding myself asking what have I done to myself. I know this is normal and it will pass. Just didn't think it would be this bd. I am going to the sopport group meeting on Monday. That should help some.
Hi Brenda! I am sorry to hear that you had some complications with your surgery. I hope everything is ok now? Yes, the food mourning is normal - unfortunatley. So is the "What have I done" phase. It will pass. Going to the support group will help. This beginning stages can be trying. Just try to find things that you like and satisfy you. Let us know if there is anything you need or questions we can answer.
Sorry to hear you had problems but glad to hear that a blood clot is not one of them.
Could the cause of the headache also be lack of caffeine? I don't know if you were a coffee drinker prior to surgery. If you were and have not had any since, you may be going through the caffeine withdrawal.
Also, even mild dehydration can cause headaches.
I'll see you Monday at the meeting.