My Son is coming home for 2 weeks R&R from Iraq!!! YEAAAAAA
WHOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jumps up and down for joy!!!!!
My son Benjamin who is still stationed in Taji , Iraq, is coming home for 2 weeks of R&R!!!!
He is now 20, (goodness time flies) and I have not seen him in over a year and a half.
June 5 or 6 th he will be home for 2 weeks. Of course he has to go back to Iraq. But We will be able to spend some time as a family and to see him.
I spoke with him and he is a bit concerned. As he told me, **mom for over a year he has had to be on guard and watch and listen and carry his weapon, and he told me to forgive him if he is a bit jumpy**. I told him be jumpy all you want son, I will just give you a big hug and everything will be ok. That we will work through all of it as a family.
But let me tell you all the days are going by soooooooooooo slow right now!!!!!!!! laughs
*hugs everyone
This is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you will be so glad to see him.
If I may give you a heads up...I remember when my brother came home on R&R from Viet Nam...when he says he will be jumpy, this is an understatement. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT walk up to him if he is dozing or sleeping. I did this with my brother and he had me in a choke hold before he woke up. (I was trying to not wake him and had no idea he would react like this.)
Your son will not be able to turn off this high alert part of his brain during the "all too short" 2 weeks that he will be home.
Enjoy your time with him. Cook his favorite foods, plan some family get togethers. But allow him some unplanned time too. He is going to want to see family & friends but he will also need for you to allow some time for him to be totally alone if he wants to be.
All of our soldiers, and their families, continue to be in my prayers.
I know that you needed a little bit of heaven at this point in your life and having your son home for a couple of weeks will give you a little piece of heaven that you deserve. I know that you will not be able to wait until he gets here, hope you are feeling wonderful the entire time he his here and your visit is wonderful.
Let him know that we all Thank him for all that he does!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/17/07 12:55 pm - Greenfield, TN
on 5/17/07 12:55 pm - Greenfield, TN
That is wonderful. Enjoy every min. with him. Tell him how proud we are of him.