I hate to Whine But..................Please Let Me This Time!!!!!!!!!!!!

on 5/16/07 7:50 pm - Nashville, TN
It has been almost 48 hours since the surgery on my ears and I know they said that the work they did was extensive on my right ear drum due to the two holes and the two ruptures, but I would have thought that by now my hearing, dizziness and pain would have eased up some. I did call again during the night and the doctor said with the amount of damage and infection I had, this was normal; it would just probably take longer a little longer to heal than normal. I just hate this feeling that I am having, tonight I have not been able to sleep at all, it is a little after 4:30 in the morning and I have yet to go to sleep, even with the Lortab in me. I tried to sleep, but the pain and nausea got to me so I got back up about an hour after I lay down. I just wanted to complain to someone, so I hope yall do not mind if I did it here. Thanks for listening to my whining!!! Shelia
on 5/16/07 9:57 pm - Springfield, TN
You are not ehining and I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Hopefully things will heal soon and everything will be back to normal. Just take care of yourself and try to rest whenever you can. {{Huggs}}
on 5/16/07 11:08 pm - Knoxville, TN
I am so sorry, hugs to you my friend andthankyou for tanya info...... wish i could do something for you. Annrenee you have my number you can call me when you hear better .
Kathy Newton
on 5/17/07 12:23 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Shelia, I am sorry to hear that you are having problems from the surgery. I can understand that pain. I had to have tubes put in my ears last fall. I constantly hear my heart beat in them and pain in the right one. There is much that can be done except put some Cipro ear drops in the ears to help with any infection that might still be lingering. I wish you the best. Hope you get to feeling better. Ask your Dr. for some Cipro drops. It really helps with the pain too. Love Kathy
on 5/17/07 1:13 am - Madison, TN
You arent whining. You've been through a LOT! I am glad that surgery went well.... and sorry I havent posted but I have been lurking and watching from afar... just really busy. also, can you get me some candy at the SF store? and bring saturday? they have some chocolate candy, ashers brand, that has reddish filling cream in it that is blackberry something or other and they are my favorite! I loved the strawberry before surgery and these are heaven... only I have to eat them really slow... one will do me good for a week! Let me know. I think they are 3.99
(deactivated member)
on 5/17/07 1:01 pm - Greenfield, TN
Shelia, Hope you feel better soon. Maybe you will get some sleep tonight. Ellen
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