a scene out of "Parenthood"
You know the movie with Steve Martin and Mary Steenburgen where their son has lost his retainer at the pizza place and they are digging through the dumpster looking for it?
I left my retainer on my tray when I put it on the conveyor into the dish room on campus. I had been back in my office about 15 minutes when I realized it. I went running back over to the cafe and told the 2 people in the dish room that I would dig and look for it. God love 'em, they dug through the can of food scraps looking for it. The can only had about 8 inches of scraps in it so we felt like there was a chance of finding it. I finally spotted it on the pre-rinse drain board with the wet napkin dissolving around it.
When I shouted and picked it up, the lady looked at me like "You're not going to put that in your mouth!" I assured her that I had a toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash back at my office and I would be cleaning it thoroughly before I put it in my mouth.
I was so relieved to find it. Now I know why my ortho told me NOT to wrap it in a napkin when I ate. From now on, I will leave it in my office when I go to lunch or put it in my pocket. Whew! That thing is $250 to replace.