Hello friends!
Hi guys, sorry it's been a while...we did go camping this weekend and had a nice time...not to hot, not to cool, just right. We got in a nice hike on Sunday at Rutledge Falls in Manchester...beautiful place, a little hard to find but worth it.
I want to apologize to a couple of people who thought I was deliberately snubbing them...not so, just busy and dealing with a laptop literally hanging from one hinge. I'm having to handle it very gingerly and use it sparingly. So I'm so sorry to those people who have emailed me and thought I was ignoring them.
My BP seems to be doing much better, at least I feel better after exercising, and I haven't had any dizzy spells at all since the third day of taking the meds. Yeah!
Bad news is that it looks like I will have to return to work instead of school this summer...I will make sure to build in my Vegas time off...money is just too tight to stay in and pay for school right now.
Also, for the same reasons, I probably will not be at the lunch Sat...can't afford it...that makes me feel badly since I was one of the ones asking for the date change...but we do what we have to do.
Love you guys and keep all of you in my thoughts!
Let me get it down while I still remember...that way we can back and look for future reference. Going into Manchester on Hwy 55 from Tullahoma, look for Belmont Rd. on the left. Go about a mile and a half and turn onto Rutledge Falls Rd. on the left...you'll go about a mile and a half and the road splits with a church in the fork...stay to the right and park in a tiny parking area across the road from the church. The falls and hiking trails are a short walk through a field on a clearly marked path. If you are coming from the north on Hwy 41, turn right at Hwy 55 and go 3.5 miles to Belmont Rd. on the right and follow the above directions.
I say we organize an OH camping trip...before it gets to hot to enjoy it!
We've stayed in the group camping at Mammoth Cave. We had a very good time there.
We also like Stone Door and South Cumberland Recreation Area. There is a nice trail at South Cumberland that even a non-hiker would enjoy.
We really do need to get a group together in the next few weeks. I'm up for it!
Hi Kym, good news and bad news. Good news is I will be moving into my new apartment sometime in June in Nashville. Bad news is I can't make it Saturday either, lack of money. I am going to Portland though and hear my son sing, have a picnic with this new guy in my life, and then listen to Ronnie McDowell sing that evening. It's the start of their strawberry festival. The Dr.s still haven't figured out abut my dizzy spells. Blood pressure is in normal range until I start walking, then it drops too low, legs get really heavy and down I go into a full faint. I am planning to attend the June gathering, if I'm not doing any moving that day. Glad you had some R & R over the weekend. Love Kathy