Thank you to all
Hi everyone. I wanted to thank those *****sponded to my post regarding depression and bm problems. I had a small bm last night, enough to take some of the pressure and bloating off. I see a GI Dr. on Friday in Smyrna and go from there. As for the depression, I know it's stress related, just can't snap out of it. Yes I am taking my medication, just always in a blue slump. Once I feel more up to things, I know that will help too. Again, thank you all so very much. Love Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 5/14/07 11:45 am - Greenfield, TN
on 5/14/07 11:45 am - Greenfield, TN
Hi Kathy,
The fleet sure has worked for me before. Hope you get the problem worked out. I know that makes you feel miserable.
hugs, Ellen
Hi Annerenee, i have tried so many things. Even eating fried foods and hot mexican food and still didn't help. I see the GI on Thursday and go from there. I am still swelled on one side and that interfers with the scarring from the tummy tuck. Plus being majorly depressed from what happened while in the hospital when I had my tummy tuck. I know that when my body is able to get past the slump, that everything else will work itself out inthe end. Love kathy
Hi Kathy,
Glad to hear you had a small BM. I think part of the depression problem might be that you just went through the PS and the bad experience that you had at the hospital. Maybe all of your systems will get back in check soon and your meds will work for you again. Hope things get better for you soon.
Thank you Darlene, I know that's why I am in this deep depressive state of mind. When they had me tied to the bed two things happened, one it brought back a bad memory where I was tied down, beaten and raped. The second thing is I have a mental disorder called Dissociative Disorder. I can literly separate myself from the trauma at that moment as my brain can't register the trauma on an emotional level. I am considered one in a 3% of people in the USA that can literly self hypotise myself so that when I am able to handle the trauma on an emotional level, then the brain allows it. It's really weird. That's why I am unable to work and why I get Social Security Disability. I can't handle any stress or pressure or I end up separating myself from it and retreat into myself. I can see everything happening and can't help the other me. As for the BM problems it's been going on since March. I got used to going every day, now it's 2.5 weeks at a time.
I'm going to make my famous oatmeal cookies on Friday guaranteed to work after just eating 3. Want the recipe, email me and I'll send it to you. They work, and they taste great, better then store bought ones. Again thank you, Kathy
I am also constipated and I use the fleet enama bottle with warm water and mineral oil and it gives enough pressure to help push out the bm. it worked the other night thank goodness I can not drink all that stuff or the MOM nothing it all makes me sick so this really works. Hope you find it works for you.