
Kathy Newton
on 5/12/07 1:36 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi everyone, I apologize for not being more active on the board. Since I had my tummy tuck done on April 20th, and the problems that went with that night after surgery, I have been in a real slump of depression. I'm taking my meds, but I can't seem to shake this. On top of it all, I was to see a GI Dr. because I can't have a BM. He didn't feel it was the right time to do a colon test to see what the problem is. Since the first week of March I have had only 5 bm, and they were extremely painful. Like I was being ripped inside. So now I have to see another one. I have tried everything and nothing is working. Is it normal to be 16 months out and get a blockage? I wonder because of losing so much weight in such a short time frame. But it's causing my new flat tummy to be swelled and bloated. It hurts a lot. Any suggestions would be helpful. I've tried so many things on the market and nothing is helping to move things along. Thanks, love Kathy
Susan J.
on 5/12/07 1:45 am - Madison, TN
Have you tried Magnesium Citrate? After suffering with IBS for years, I never thought I would ever need something to help me go. My surgeon told me that constipation is not unusual with RNY and I may occasionally need the MC if it gets bad. I take it when I get the bloated belly thing going on. You've been on a lot of pain meds since this last surgery. That may be what has you stopped up.
Kathy Newton
on 5/12/07 5:57 am - LaVergne, TN
This has been going on since March. Yes I tried that, my stomach is bloated just on the right side and the pain of it is up high. I honestly haven't had to take any pain pills except for the first 2-3 days after my tummy tuck and most of that was just at night. I don't take them unless it becomes so unbearable because it is Hydromorphone. I've even added extra fiber to by diet, nothing but swelling and pain. I never had this during the year of surgery just the last couple of months. Right now I would welcome a vacuum and suck me clean. They may have to resort to that. It's getting pretty bad. See you on Saturday, where is the Red Lobster by the way? Love Kathy
on 5/12/07 6:27 am - Gallatin, TN
Kathy, I'm so sorry that you are feeling blue! Hon, as you know I'm battling with my depression lately too. You're doing the right thing by continuing to take your meds. Hon I wish I had an answer for your constipation and your pain. The Hydromorphone doesn't help either. I take Miralax. It takes a couple of days to kick in but it does eventually help and I feel good for a while then end up having to do another round of it but it does help. I've also done the Fleet's enemas. I hate them but sometimes it can get things moving when it seems so impossible. (((HUGS))) Janie
Kathy Newton
on 5/12/07 2:46 pm - LaVergne, TN
My Dr. wrote me a script for Miralax. I lost the script but noticed yesterday that Walgreens carries it. I'll get that and see if I can't get things moving. Thanks. I am going to also get me some whole wheat flour and make my famous oatmeat cookies. After three you'll be sitting on John's lap for a while. I totally forgot about that until I had an oatmeal cookie earlier. I've even ate a big Mac as that always helps, but since I know longer have a hiatal hernia, my old tricks of the trade aren't working for me. I'll get the miramax tomorrow including the wheat flour to make oatmeal cookies. thanks. Kathy
on 5/12/07 8:51 am - Lexington, TN
Kathy, I use wal mart's equate sugar free fiber powder. I finally got my hubby started on it and he never has a problem now. You put a teaspoon full in a glass of water 3 times a day. The strange thing is it helps also for loose bowels, that is what I use it for. I sure hope you feel better soon. Hugs & Lee Lee
Laura Brackbill
on 5/12/07 12:30 pm - Gallatin, TN
Hey Kathy sorry I have been out of touch . I have been spending just about as much time at the hospital with Sis as I do at home right now . I will try to give you a call soon !! Tomarrow We get to go see Philip and I need to see my mom and then who knows what .. I am suposed to go shopping for a tree for mothers day but don't know when so it may be Sun night or MON I will be thinking of you !! Laura
Kathy Newton
on 5/12/07 2:47 pm - LaVergne, TN
thanks I have been using Benefiber, but it's not working. Kathy
Susan J.
on 5/13/07 9:54 am - Madison, TN
Yeah, Benefiber didn't work for me either. Neither did the Miralax. However, since I stopped taking the Miralax I do believe I have discovered the cause of the horrible, awful, painful, noxious gas I've had for the past month. Which just happens to be the amount of time I was taking the Miralax.
on 5/14/07 1:40 am - Knoxville, TN
I'm sorry you are depressed, I am glad we talked the other day. I still blue off and on through out the day. I'm praying for you, hang in there. Thank you YOU HAVE HELPED ME SO MUCH Annrenee
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