Sorry I have not posted this earlier

Laura Brackbill
on 5/12/07 12:54 pm - Gallatin, TN
MY week has been one big blur as Janie can tell you . Most of you who know me know Sissy live in companion,au pair for my little Tori and above all Sisiter of my heart . We got our Momdays mixed up and took Janie to what we thought was Dr fryes meeting .. welol we had the wrong might and headed home hitting publix befor we dropped everyone off By this time SIs was so sick and hurting badly . She has been battleing this for almost 18 months but the last 6 to 8 it has gotten very bad . She thought it was uterine or gallbladder Because of her 4 yr battle with Social Sec over her benifits for her MS she has no insurance and we could find noone to see her . I took her to Sumner since they still have to offer county services for indagent patients . all the test looked like a acute Appendix . They took her into surg Tues about 2 am . The dr got as far as getting the camera for the lap and saw what they believed to be a tuot of her colon or appi. They gave us a 3 out of 4 chance of it being cancer and the chances of it already spreading to blader ,liver and repro organs was very high . zBecause of complications to trying to prep for a colonocopy they could not do the surg till Thurs . God does watch out for us when they got in it turned out her appi had ruptured but insyead of breaking through into her abdominal space ..which with her MS would have basicly been a death sentance it had ruptured onto her colon thus the mass . . She ended up lossing 8" of her colan and some bowel ,her appendex and they even cleaned up a cyctic overy. She is on a gastric nasal drain along with many other tubes . The surg did not want to put exturnal drains due to her compermised imune systen again caused by MS. She has had some very rough days . she has has trouble with the moraphine and I talked to the DR into changing her pain meds she slept more this afternoon than she has since coming out of surgery she NEEDS prayes for healing not only from this surg but she is showing signs of developing pneumonia (sp) Her daughter is her takeing turns with me staying up at the hospital with me . If anyone wants to send cards message me for the addy again sorry it has taken almost a week to get this posted here Laura
on 5/12/07 3:27 pm - Nashville, TN
Laura, Please tell her that I have her in my prayers and hope that she gets better soon. Also, I do not know if you know this, but considering her situation a social worker at the hospital may be able to apply for emergancy TNCare and she may be able to get insurance that way, it is worth checking into, the worse they can do is deny her and she would not be in any worse position than she already is, insurance wise that is! Shelia
Laura Brackbill
on 5/13/07 1:00 am - Gallatin, TN
Thanks Shelia We have been talking to the social worker in fact she is a freind I went to high school with. We already got notice she now has drug coverage and waiting for the rest . I will Pass on your well wishes Laura
Susan J.
on 5/13/07 9:44 am - Madison, TN
Laura, I am so sad and glad too. I hate that all of this has happened, but I rejoice that it was not cancer. Please give Sissy a big hug from me. She is such a sweetheart. All of you will definitely be in my prayers. I realize she still has a ways to go before she is well. Susan
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