CVS\Eckerd Multi-vitamin Help
Can anyone tell me which multi-vitamins I need to purchase. My surgery is Tuesday and I'm trying to get everything together. I went to both CVS and Eckerd and don't know which vitamins to get. They have different ones to choose from. Somebody/anybody help me please! I need to know the exact name, color bottle, etc..... I also brought the 1000mcg B-12 vitamin, does anyone know how often we're supposed to take these? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Maybe the protocol has changed since I had my surgery. The nut had me bring all of my vitamins to our final pre-op meeting so she could make sure I had what I needed.
Did you get a prescription for Foltrin? If you did, that has your B-12 in it as well as your iron.
I take a complete multi-vitamin that I get from Sam's. I started out with a chewable complete from The Vitamin Shoppe. I also got my chewable Calcium Citrate from TVS. They taste like a Sweetart.
Hi Tonya! Your surgery is on the 15th right? I pray that everything goes well. These are the viatamins that I've been using and where I found them:
B-12 sublingual-GNC (a 120 pack lasts for 4 months!)
Chewable Multi Viatam-Either Flintstone chewable or the multi viatmin from
Calcium Citrate-Walgreens
I take one of the B-12, and iron. I take two of the multi vitamin and of the calcium suplement.
Stock up on Gas X strips and Chewable Pepcid too, you can find those at Walgreens and the Gas X comes in mint and cinnamon. The pepcid comes in mixed berry and mint.
I hope this helps you. Good luck and your in my prayers!