Lap Band Fills
I am scheduled for Lap Band procedure Monday, May 14th--right after Mother's Day. I have visited various forums & message boards where there is much concern over fills with this procedure. It has me somewhat concerned. Can anyone give me feedback on how you are progressing w/banding & the fills? Curious & concerned!
Welcome aboard! I was banded 11/6/06. I have had 3 fills. My first fill was at about 6 weeks. (differend Doc do differently) During this first 6 weeks you are healing and probably will not be hungry. STICK TO THE BAND RULES during this time. Very important for later. Fill are not a big deal. Some drs. give numbing shots mine does not, but it does not hurt. It is just the idea that is scary. I received 1cc in a 4cc band the first time, 1/2 the second and 1/2 the third. I have restriction but I am going for another fill next week. I have not been losing regularly for the last month. This should put me at a point where I lose 1 to 2 lbs a week with Band diet and Exercise. I lost the most during the first 6 weeks, you have probably been told this. I was a light weight, maybe to them not to me. So I am losing slowly. Good thing, just fustrating sometime. I am down 36 lbs in 6 months BUT I no longer take Medication for High Blood Pressure, Allergies, GERD, Arthritis, and Depression. That in itself is worth it all. Before fills I have liquid diet and make sure I am hydrated, afterward liquid diet for 48 hours then mushies for 24 then to regular food if tolorated. Best wishes to you with your surgery. Have you been to the lap band forum here?
Good morning Sharon.. If you want lots of information and support for lap band.. you must go to the lap band board . AT the top of this page ,click on forums then scroll down to lap band ,you can ask all kinds of questions there and we talk about everything too .. I am also a patient of Dr Dyer's and He is absolutely the best in my book. The fills are complelety painless we do not feel a thing , and Dr Dyer does give a numbing shot before he proceeds with the fill needle . Everything is done across the street in the hosptal with a nurse and tech, we lie down on a cot, under the x ray machine and they can see the port clearly , they swab the area, then give numbing shot and thent he puts in fill needle , at this time he withdraws all the previous fluid to see how much you currently have in your band ,of course on your first fill you will be empty .. my first fill
I had 1.4 in my band .. we then get and go over to flouro machine and he fills accrding to how well we are drinking our barium(tastes pretty good after not eating all day ,it is sweet) after wards,we have a glass of water and he watches that go down also and we are done,, The tech gives us a picture of our functioning band each time we go in for a fill! Really cool too..You shouold always ask how much fill you are given, how much fill you have lost from the last time also what size band you have .. I have a 4cc band ,have had 3 fills and now have 1.8 in my band I have not had a fill since Feb23 I have lost 55pounds to date
I am slow but sure ! welcome to the band life! IF I may be of any assistance to you let me know Arianna