Good News
Ok.... it isn't surgery approval but I was offered a legal support position! I am very happy and just waiting for the drug test to come back which I know is negative so no worry there. My insurance will pose a small obstacle but it is more money. There will be on tuition reimbursement as well. Also, because I was forcced to use some time off options early, I will have that deducted from final wages. Please pray for my financial transition. Today I saw the doctor about my arm that was injured at work in the fall and hopefully we have found the cause of the pain. I think they will dismiss me as soon as I give my notice. I don't care. I have two small favors, first, my niece is 16 and has previously done day care because she home schools. She is in need of babysitting work. If you know of anyone interested have them contact me. I am also looking to do some part time child care and have a 17 y/o so am experienced. I need to make sure we have income flowing till we get new job going and case settled. Second, I sell pampered chef so if anyone is interested or know anyone... I am trying to do what I can in conjunction with work to cover that they are refusing to pay my tuition now for school, that is one reason I am leaving. I am now having to take loan to pay for the class I just started. I just need to make it a little longer so that I will be in the new position and can save for the 2500 deductible I will have now. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I don't care if I have to sleep in my car to get back on my feet I just had to find something where I was not under so much stress and this is a great opportunity for me. Love you all cause I don't know what I would have done without the support and so many who understood.
It sounds like things are finally moving in the right direction for you.
I don't know of any babysitting openings but will continue to pray in that area too.
If you give a 2 week notice and they dismiss you immediately, they still have to pay out the 2 week notice.
Did they back out on the tuition reimbursement? If they had approved it and now they are taking it back, that sux big time!! I think I'd have to take that up with corporate if I had a signed approval for the tuition reimbursement prior to enrolling in the class.
Good luck honey! It sounds like your spirits are better too. You are strong and you will come through all of this a winner!
Not only that but they have messed my STD up and only paid me 60% when I was supposed to get 100% for four weeks... They only paid like one week at 100% I need to challenge that because if that is the case I can't cover my rent on the 15th which is already late. I have nothing to sell or pawn. Unfortunately the approved my class and I had to change to a different class so that is why they needed to reapprove. They will not approve and especially now that I am leaving. It sucks because I would have requested it for that class but they told me i could take the math class next term and then they changed their mind at the school so really it is their fault to for not knowing their job. I am not very happy with this school and am considering applying to Trevecca MBA or U of P. For one they are cheaper and for two... I don't like that they make you post in discussion and it has to be different days and so basically you are doing stuff everyday just to get your points and I feel like I have class everyday instead of one day a week and preparing for class on my own time. I have already talked to someone at U of P but not at Trevecca. Now that I am changing jobs I want to pursue that quick because I get off at 4 and can attend class now. Just pray I don't have to do a smal stay in my car.. lol cause I don't know what is gonna happen if they only pay me 60%.
Oh no I did not realize! Ok, if you are interested I am currently helping a couple of my Fraternity brothers find work... if you are interested I could keep your resume and forward it to people I network with. Or let me know what you are both looking for and I wll keep an eye out at the least. I have a friend in the yahoo support group that was forwarding my resume through her husband to his work. I am a big networker. How I find most my work... although this time it was career builder. I would be happy to help and can send you my email if you would like. I also do great resumes. I have done a few for friends recently. You are both in my prayers!