Yogurt Hording is ILLEGAL in gastric community!

on 5/7/07 1:21 pm - Madison, TN
OK... someone in Gallatin is hording yogurt. Several months ago, I went to Kroger and there was not one single container of CarbMasters. Now, Publix has gotten the Fage yogurt. Everytime I go to buy it, ITS GONE! They are buying up ALL the 0% Fage. CRAP! I am not sharing my secrets anymore. That's it. I am going to be selfish. I am not going to breathe a single word. Mums the word. Shoosh. Hush. Shut up. Nada. Nothing. Silence. My lips are not going to even mouth the words. I had to give them my name and number to save 10 containers when they get their order in this week!
(deactivated member)
on 5/7/07 1:45 pm
ok, i confess. I went Sunday and got 7 containers of Fage. I talked to the manager and asked him to double their order. I told them if he ordered it, we would eat it! sorry I left ya high and dry, but he assured me there would be more by tomorrow. NOt sure if he knew for sure. I will go sit inthe corner now for being bad! But I swear, I did not touch the carb masters. Altho tonite at Kroger in H'ville on Gallatin road they had peach and vanilla flavors and I didnt buy a single one. Sorry...well sorta...well um not really...heeeeeee Oh, and just WHO introduced you to Fage!!! LOL hugZ!
Susan J.
on 5/7/07 9:10 pm - Madison, TN
I was gonna tell you that it had to be Paula buying up all of your...um, the...Fage. But she confessed so I don't have to be a tattle tail. Hmmm, there's a Publix near me...and my friend's husband works for Publix, I'm sure he would be willing to pick me up some Fage when it...uh, did I say that out loud? Nevermind!!
on 5/7/07 10:00 pm - Lexington, TN
I know it isn't funny not to be able to get what you want when you go to store but you all sure put a smile on my face, thank you. But you all are lucky that you live some where you can get what you need. This Wal Mart here is so bad about keping thier shelves stocked. Shopping is the one thing I miss about Ohio plus the freedom to go when I want to. Lee Lee
on 5/7/07 10:50 pm - Madison, TN
I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!! I had a feeling it was you Paula! But then again I had some doubts since you'd have to drive to Gallatin... But then again... you were driving to Fresh market... I hope they get some in soon... I told the lady that there is a gastric bypass community in the area, and that they need to order a LOT of the 0% since the others don't seem to sell much... I stopped today at Kroger and picked up a few strawberry carbmasters. I just don't like yogurt! Fage and Strawberry carbmasters are the exceptions...
Robin K.
on 5/7/07 11:08 pm - Summertown, TN
I thought about checking out the Fage at the Publix in Spring Hill. How many calories, protein and carbs does it have? Thanks!!! Robin K. Dr. Olsen 11/27/2006 243/161/125
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