Update on Tywanna
I just wanted to let you know that I spoke to Tywanna about 3:30 and she has been very sick to her stomach since the surgery, as well as being very sore (normal). She did get very nervous this morning when she got to the hospital, but doing just fine now, except all the normal stuff. She did mention that she asked to get up and walk, but the nurses told her to wait a little while longer before she goes walking!!!! Do you all remember the first walk??????????????
HIP HOORAY TWYNNA!!!! We will be glad to see you back!!!
I dont remember the first walk. I actually didn't do the walking. I had three people dragging me down the hall, and I kept falling asleep. I am very susceptible to pain medicine. I slept almost the entire hopsital stay. Thank God I dont remember it. Or else it might have hurt... I dunno