Hi Sheila, I have been out of touch lately, a little painful trying to sit up with 68 staples from around my back, across my abdomine to the other side of my hipbone. I am sorry to hear you are having problems with fluids. I suffer swelling, numbness, and tingling in my legs and hands, mostly in the left leg and foot. I have to stay on Lasix because of it. The swelling on the left side is also putting fluid on the heart and lung. It's congestive heart disease. Have they checked for any fluid build up around your heart and lung? You'll know requick if it's considered congestive heart disease, when you are swelled up with fluids, you can't breath when it's humid. Your heart will pound harder as the fluid puts pressure on the heart and lung. It makes the organs work harder. I know it does mine. The only thing I am low on is protein. Still can't get it into my system. The only way to tell for sure is ultra sound. If the heart Dr. goes into the main vein not the artery but the vein, he can see what is going on with the lungs. This test will tell you if you have pulmonary hypertension, a high blood pressure between the heart and lung. I would have those checked as well. Keep us informed, and I pray they find out what is causing the problem and fix it. I will keep you in my prayers. Kathy