The WOMAN Challenge - Reposted from OH Main Board
I just read this post on the main message board of OH. I thought everyone might find this interesting. I just registered.
Post Date: 5/3/07 9:33 am
I got this info on a handout in support group this week and wanted to share. Come join me!
WOMAN stands for Women and girls Out Moving Across the Nation.
What is the WOMAN Challenge?
This free eight week challenge encourages women and girls to walk 10,000 steps or get 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day. The WOMAN Challenge begins on Mother's Day, May 13, and ends on July 8, 2007.
How can I register to participate?
You can register online at
Participants will receive a pedometer (while quantities last) and tracking log to record their progress throughout the eight weeks. They will also receive weekly motivational e-mails and health tips to help them reach their goal. Women can choose to travel one of six different "virtual" courses across America.
Hi guys, I have started a team on here called "The Lunch Bunch"...I went ahead and added you all with the hopes you wouldn't mind but all you have to do if you would rather not be on a team is just log in and remove yourself or let me know and I will remove you. I registered on this not long ago but never thought to say anything...I say we can kick butt!