You guys are amazing!
I was having another really bad day today. Work is deteriorating daily. I have had this sore neck and my chiro says it is a pinched nerve. I have one vertebrae that is turned differently from the others. He stated that because of the area where it is, it is probably stress related. My dh looked at me and said ,it is time you QUIT! But I just do not do that without something else lined up.
Yes I have applied to another bariatric position. I will let you know.
But in my dark moment, I was checking this board and saw each of you mention my name and praying for me. You will never know how much that means to me. Even when Sheila is not feeling well and scared, she still mentioned me! And Melinda with your own job sucking, still thought of me. Not to mention Kym, Susan, Sue ..everyone else. I am overwhelmed and blessed beyond measure.
This is what I call a SUPPORT group!!!!!
Thanks ya'll....Hugz!
Yep we love you... we're all in the same support group... like it or not you are stuck with us! I hope your neck gets to feeling better. So quite literally your job is A PAIN IN THE NECK!?!
No neck pain here, thank the Lord. Just depressed. Cant stand going to work... but today its a little better as I am actually accomplishing something... waiting on my phone to ring from someplace saying can you come for an interview... we'll wait and see.
Paula, first of all, that's what friends are for. As someone who does so much for others and expects nothing in return, I'm sure it's hard sometimes to let us know when you need anything, but we love giving back to our friends. We all love and care for you and when you hurt, so do we. Okay, enough of the sappy for the awful job situation, I know you want to have something else lined up, but I'm with Bobby on this...I hate hearing how this is putting your health in jeopardy. I have no doubt that you are going to land your dream job soon so I really don't think you'd be off work for long. But I know you really want something else first so this is just my humble opinion! As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers...not just for the job situation but especially for the physical pain you are in. Stay strong sweets and if you can't, just lean on us!