Food warning
Please make sure you ask if you are eating out if they add sugar to there food . Some places add sugar to things you would never dream has it in there like veggies and some of your fav chines dishes . We stoped and ate at a place that was new to us and I ordered something I get at our fave local place . This place LOADED it with sugar . I had 3 bite before it hit me . So ask if you are not sure or if you are eating some place new Dumping during a car ride home is no fun !!!
thanks for the warning, Laura. I have never experienced dumping and ugar doesn't bother me, but I do appreciate the warning. I did really good today going out to eat. I met a new guy, and we went to Ruby Tuesdays. I ordered white bean chicken chili, water, and some cottage cheese just incase I didn't like the chili. It was great, I even brought the rest home with me for later. Oh, I left Frank at his motel. He'll be back up in 2 weeks. Can't wait. He's a retired chef. Yummy. Love Kathy