UPdate on Annerenee
Hi Annerenee's husband just called me, surgery went great, she's not in a room right now as they don't have one available. She's up and walking feeling great. She is in CCU until tomorrow when they have a room for her on the bariatric unit. He (Joe) said he would call me tomorrow and let me know how's she's doing and what room she's in. I met them just recently while at Dr. Colquitt's office on my 15 month follow-up, I don't need to come back for the 18 month, just at the 2 yr anniversary.
I will call her tomorrow as she can't have calls right now in the unit she's in. I will keep you posted as to her recovery.
Keep her and Joe in your prayers. Kathy
Joe said he would call me when they put her in her own room. Then I can post it for everyone. I'm going to call her this evening. Give her a chance to rest after being moved into another room on a different floor. I don't know if I told you, but when I saw Dr. Colquitt on April 11 at 15 months instead of at 18 months, they were there for her first consult appointment. That's how I met Debbie Mitchell. I was at Colquitt's for my consult and she was there to get her staples out. When ever I go to Dr. Colquitt's office, I always ask if they are there inquiring about the gastric or lapband procedures. I let them know who I am, about our board, and all the obstacles I went thru to have the surgery. Debbie near passed out when they took her staples out. She clearly didn't enjoy that one bit. They had to help her out to the car, she was so woozy. Well off for now. Love ya all, Kathy