Just wanted to pop on and say hello to all. I am still at Verizon awaiting them to finally finalize what is going to be covered by FMLA and what isn't so that they can decide if I get to keep my job. I don't really care either way. I am still waiting on the review of my STD that was denied totally. I don't see how they can approve one and not the other but I have been fighting them on all of it. I havee been job hunting and have an interview on Friday at ITT Tech. I am so excited!!! I actually interviewed there the end of last year and they guy is not there no more. Apparently he never followed through on my background or anything and so the new guy called me less than two hours after he received my resume. I was very excited about having a second chance. Wish me luck! Only bad thing is this will all delay surgery.
Hi Melissa. I have been wondering how things are going with you. I am glad to hear about your interview. Good luck. It sounds like you are coming to terms with things and doing much better. That is great. Just keep striving on. Even if your surgery is delayed, keep going for it because I know how much you want it. It will happen when it is supposed to happen for you. I was also going to tell you to try Comcast if you haven't already. They are usually hiring all the time too at their call center by opryland.
Hi Melissa, don't give up on your goals or dreams. I sure didn't. Surgery will come when the time is right and not when we want it to be. God works in mysterious ways, He will send you the Dr. and the insurance will approve when He's ready and not before. It may not be in a month, two months or several months, but it will happen. Just trust in him to help you thru this. As for the job, I pray you get it or one at Comcast. Ask to see their insurance policy and what all it covers. I need to go. I have company coming by. A prior weightloss friend, Missy Lea, she and her husband are coming over before they head back home from the VA Medical Center. Take care and May God guide you on your new journey. Love Kathy