re:tummy tuck....
Hi everyone, I was kept over at the hospital an didn't get home until yesterday afternoon. I'm cut from hipbone to hipbone. The pain is worse then the gastric bypass. Prior to the surgery, the sleep Dr. came in to start an IV, she refused to use my port which is there for a reason. Of course she didn't listen to the fact that my veins are not strong enough to hold an IV. The surgeron said he would not do the surgery unless she got her way. During recovery my oxygen levels dropped so I wasn't allow any pain medication after I was taken to a room for the night. No one wore masks or gloves around me even when changing the bandaging. They best hope with my low immune system that I don't get sick. That Saturday morning around 4am I got dressed to go to my van and get me something to eat as I hadn't been given any food just some water. Plus I was going to get my pain medications. They were determined I wasn't leaving the floor. Since I wasn't hooked up to any monitors or IV saline, what difference would it have made. They called in security and the Dr. and he told sercurity to tie me to the bed. My hands were tied to the bed. I relived the worst nightmare any woman who's ever been raped should never have to go thur. I was tied down for the attack, beaten, and raped. They made me relive that all over again when they fasten my hands to the bed and wanted to tie my legs as well. Only they couldn't get my right leg to unfold. It was locked up and so was my hip. I am sore in my shoulders, arms, legs, and tummy area where they manhandle me, I did get a good kick in. This overweight black girl wouldn't let go of my arms so I kicked her in the groin. She let go real quick and dropped to the floor. I was so glad when I was able to leave the hospital and my daughter-n-love arrived just as we got outside. I will never let this plastic surgeron touch me again except for taking out the staples and the drain tubes that have little bulbs on them to be emptied and measured. I have to go back on Thursday to have the staples removed, and hopefully the drain tubes. Then that's it for the VA except when I have my medicine faxed over to the VA and it's mailed to me as I am considered homebound. Other then that I have no need of the VA hospital.
Think about this surgery before you have it. If you don't have much excess flab in your stomach area, don't get the surgery, if you have a lot, that's a different story. But if you are a Veteran and want to get it done thru the VA, be very careful.
I'm off to take my medications and go to bed. Oh, when you have your tummy tuck done, plan on sleeping in a recliner. It's the only way you will be able to stand back up. You can't roll over onto your sides, and it's difficult to get out of a regular bed. This takes about 6 weeks to heal. So plan on that time in a recliner. Plus you will get very emotional, and very hot in the evening. I sleep with a sheet on my sent of the chair and it's always wet from just night sweats.
Night everyone. Love Kathy
Hi Elena, yes it was the Nashville VA. This was the worst experience. I've had surgeries there before and never a problem. This time was a living nightmare. I'm more sore and stiff in my arms and back where they manhandled me so much then I am from the actual incision. It only hurts when I cough or laugh. I'm curious how much fat was removed and how many staples I have in me. I go back on Thursday to get them removed and/or the pump tubes. Thank you for the warm wishes. Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 4/22/07 9:47 pm - Greenfield, TN
on 4/22/07 9:47 pm - Greenfield, TN
Hi Kathy,
I feel so bad for you. No one should be treated that way. I think I would complain. Hope you feel better soon. I have heard it is terrible to go through.
Hi Ellen, I agree no one should be treated that way. I've had many great surgeries from that VA and never a problem with a surgeon or the staff. I just reported it to the director of the hospital. According, to the directors office my patient rights were in violation. It will be turned over to the Director and the patient Advocate. They will investigate the problem and get back to me. If I have any say in the matter, I will se that when it comes to any further flab removals ike my thighs, that they fee base me out and pay the outside Dr. to do my surgery. They can do that because of the prior problems.
Have a great day. Love Kathy
Kathy, oh oh oh,
WOW, I can't imagine. No wonder you're in pain. I know from my gallbladder it seems once you go without the pain meds for too long you can never seem to get it under control. And I can't imagine being treated like that. I wish you had someone there to get stuff for you babe.
Oh and yes I was right your are a tiny thing now. Take care. HUGGS and prayers.
Beth B. in Chattanooga
thank you Beth. I sure felt tiny on Friday and Saturday morning when I was being mishandled. Makes me want to take up Karate so no one can ever get the best of me again. I have reported it to the directors office and the patient advocate will be come involved as my patient rights were violated. No one has to stay in the hospital if they don't want, and since I wasn't being given any pain meds, I was able to leave of my own free will. Only they felt differently. If and when I decide to get my thighs done, I am going thru the director and have it fee based out to a private surgeon and they pay that surgeon instead of me going thru the VA again. Thank you for being there with your support. Love Kathy