Can the Lap Band be removed
Does any one here know whether or not the Lap band can be removed after a person is at goal weight for a period of time? I was just talking to a friend who has a sister that is trying to have her band removed. She has been at goal weight for two years now and she had the procedure done in Mexico. He says that she swears that the surgeon told her that she could have the band removed after maintaining goal for a period of two years. Would any one care to take a stab at this.
It can be removed but removal involves another surgery. Usually the band is left in place unless it is causing problems. If the person no longer wants the restriction, it can be "unfilled" but left in place. The band removal might also be a more involved procedure than placement of the band was.
She needs to be aware though that if she has not made permanent changes to what and how she eats, the weight can and will come back. Losing the weight is only half the battle. The hardest part as we all know, is keeping it off.
Unless she is having difficulty, I would advise her from not having it removed. As Susan said, she can just not have the fills done, as the removal would be a more involved surgery. Also, having it in place can always be refilled if she sees that she is gaining her weight back and has not made the lifelong commitment to the changes that are truly required.
Also as Susan says, this is just my .02 worth!!