Newbie fron Chattanooga area
Hi, I am Bill R from Dalton Ga but I am claiming Chatt as that is where I work and had my WLS. Had RNY 2 1/2 weeks post op now. Down 41 Lbs since my initial consult, 28 post-op.
My surgery went like a snap and I am doing well. Off nearly all my diabetes meds, only 20 total units of insulin since surgery,whoopee!!
Any way I am glad to be here.
You are doing fantastic! Congratulations to you...41 pounds in phenomenal. I don't blame you for claiming Chattanooga...I am from southern middle TN but we come to Chattanooga several times a year and I have family in Lafayette, Georgia, so I sort of "claim" it as my "hometime in my heart", LOL...I keep trying to figure out a way to move there but no luck yet. Welcome to the board!