Little brat... get out of here!
Man, would fit in around my neck of the woods for sure! Halloween is my favorite time of the year and we go all out...scary music, makeup, etc. In my younger days of being in a theatre group, I even did makeup for the local haunted houses...ah, such good memories! Thank goodness I don't have a neighborhood association to worry about!
Kym I was here before the Neighborhood Association was formed and I am not part of the association, I don't pay their due's and don't really listen to their BS. They are a bunch of people that must have really screwed up the old neighborhood in New Jersey and was asked to leave now they are down having to learn the hard way that you just cant tell these Rednecks around here to do anything you can ask and that is about it. We have had extremely high wind gusts the last 2 days and there are small limbs down every where in all the yards. I don't have just a regular lot I have 2 acres here but it was clean before dark last night just because I am anal about things such as that. But these self appointed neighborhood leaders were knocking on my door at 7:15 this morning telling me that the association would start formal complaints after 3pm to day for all home owners who does not comply with their mandatory neighborhood cleanup. The one guy is deathly terrified of me cause I killed his dog 2 years ago after he bit my daughter unprovoked in my own yard. The other one thinks he is self important for some unknown reason I am quite sure his mother is proud of him for something, I just looked him right square in the face and said " I have found in my short miserable life when after talking to a complete moron and realizing that it has done no good then a good ole country ass whooping will work every time." I then just shut the door and about 15 minutes later his wife called me to let me know that Lloyd want to assure me that I wasn't affected by any of the regular rules pertaining to the association. I could actually here this moron in the background telling her what to say what a looser. I have great pity for any woman or child that has to live in a situation where a man is only when he is running over them but can't man up when he really needs to. I apologize for rambling and I will climb down off my soap box now.
Hey this gets really deep when you are talking about animal attacks... In Cali people used to post signs "Beware of Dog" but then they started saying that by posting the sign you are acknowledging that you have a dangerous animal. We had both do not trespass signs with ours. The neighbor kids used to throw stuff over our fence and torment out raut till we could not walk him in the neighborhood cause he would go nuts when he saw certain kids. He could them through the cracks and under the fence so he knew what they were doing. One day my son was walking him when we were visiting my mom in Cali and we had decided to bring him back with us to TN and one of those kids ran up on my son trying to throw something at my son and the dog grabbed his arm. They did not try and sue... There were two small tooth holes. We had repeatedly asked them not to walk up on the dog and he was on a leash but we still feel soooo lucky! Now I have a little old Pekingese that barely barks and is losing his hair he is sooo old and has maybe two teeth in front and a couple more in the back to chew with. Someone did not take good care of him and then took him to happy tales cause they decided to get a puppy. I got him 2 years ago and he was 9 then. If someone did that to my Adam I would have definately been at someone door so you are at least giving him a chance.