Choosing lap band or bypass?

on 4/14/07 2:12 am - Centerville, TN
I am new to this whole process of weight loss surgery (been overweight forever). I am 42 going on 43 and I am even thought it pains me to say 120 lbs overweight with a BMI of 42. I am really trying to decide the best procedure for me.One day it is Lap Band the next is by pass. What was the deciding factor for y'all? After all what ever I decide it is for the rest of my life so any feed back that y'all can provide will be helpful! Thanks! Becky
Susan J.
on 4/14/07 10:34 am - Madison, TN
I knew that I needed the restriction and malabsorption of the bypass. I knew that I would be able to out eat the band and I wanted something permanent. I was 48 when I started researching WLS and I knew that this was my last chance. I was 51 when I had surgery but I felt 90. Now, a year later, I feel like a 20 year old again - most days. LOL Research both procedures. Talk to people who are living with each surgery. Determine for yourself what lifestyle changes and side effects you can and cannot live with. My entire relationship with food has changed. Some foods that I ate pre-op just don't agree with me now. Other things, I can tolerate just fine one day and not the next. I rarely get sick off of something but certain foods can sure make me feel bad until it moves out of my tummy. And then, a week or so later I can try it again and do just fine. Tuna is one food that I just can't tolerate now. Other people eat it just fine but my pouch just doesn't like it. I can eat any other kind of fish or seafood though. That's the only thing I've found that just won't stay down. I have tried it 3 times since I was cleared for regular food and it came back up all 3 times. That's okay, I like shrimp better anyway. This board is a great source of information. Feel free to ask any question. We have folks who have had various procedures and have used various surgeons & hospitals throughout the state. I'm sure there is always be someone who can answer your question. Welcome to the board. Susan
on 4/14/07 10:45 pm - TN
Rebecca.. I sent you an email about my lap band ... also if you would like information about lap bands go to the forms at top of this page, click on lap bands .There are loads of information there. You can talk to all of us who have had the operation and are living with the lap band Most all the forums are RNYS as lap band has only been in the USA for about 6 years but it gaining greatly in popularity every year ... 42 years old is really very young!!!!..Arianna
Bill R.
on 4/15/07 8:05 am - Tunnel Hill, GA
HI Rebecca: You are wise asking questions about both. It is good to do your homework and be at total peace with your decision. When I started my journey I was dead set that I was having the Lap Band. One reason was that I had heard horror stories about RNY and had a girl from our church who had complications and nearly died.But, I did have other friends who had done both procedures and I just kept asking questions. One thing that i was hearing was that some of my L/B friends were having significant regain and seemed not to be having adjustments as needed. I am not one that likes going to the Dr. any more that I have to and that caused me some concern. Also I researched the effects on what I read lead me to believe that success was greater with RNY and long term regain was less. I also talked to another friend that had done RNY and she asked me one simple question,"why are you considering L/B over RNY?" My answer to her was that I knew it could be adjusted open or removed if I decided later to change my mind about the whole deal. Her response to me was that if I was not serious enough about this to make a permanent change in my life, why would I even want to put myself thru this. This seemed like a reasonable question to me,and I pondered it with great effort. Next , I did attend two separate seminars. One on L/B and the other on RNY. Both seminars were given by surgeons who are tops in their fields. I might add that my wife was with me every steo of the way and was ready to support what ever decision I made,but I wanted us to make it together. Yes, with RNY you face "the dumping syndrome" and there are certainly some major changes you make for life, such as a daily vitamin regimen,and etc,etc,. But my #1 reason for the surgery was to try ro reverse my diabetes and to date that seems to be successful plus the fact that even though I am only 2 1/2 weeks post op I have lost nearly 30 lbs.from the date of my surgery. I would not change if I could and I am learning to adjust to the lifestyle I need to live. Since my surgery I have gone from 10 pills and 80 units a day of insulin for my diabetes to NO pills a day and I have had only 20 units of total insulin post-op. Also, I had absolutely no P/O complications, very little pain, and I was back to work with in one week of surgery. Needless to say I am tickled pink but, let me add I did not do this lightly. I asked questiuons just like you and I prayed to a God that can answer your questions and concerns. By the way my BMI was around 48 and about 180 lbs overweight. I hope this helps. Don't go by just what I have daid, this is only my experience and I am only a couple of weeks P/O but it is working for me. Make a decision that you will never have to feel you have to look back on and say "what have I done to myself?" May God Bless You!! Bill R
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