Dr. Melvin at Vanderbilt?

on 4/16/07 10:06 am - Nashville, TN
Tara, I did research all of the things that you mentioned about Dr. Spaw and just because you were in the Medical field does not mean that you are the only one capable of doing proper research, I myself am in the legal field and sure know how to get all the proper information that I need, and trust me I did my research prior to my surgery. I also know when it is time to close an argument when it is not worth speaking with the subject any longer. By the way, I did not mention my surgeon in my post, because I was trying to be polite and you are the one that attacked my "little" hospital. I believe that you did have information to share, however you allowed it to become personal when others did not agree with you! I will not allow you to insult me, my surgeon, my "little" hospital or anyone else's on this forum, it is not fair that you have chosen to do this. We are here to support each other not tear each other apart, like you have tried to do!! Topic Closed!!
on 4/16/07 10:23 am - Columbia, TN
Thank God... "topic closed" you did all of this fussin and still couldn't answer that lady's original question.
Susan J.
on 4/16/07 10:04 am - Madison, TN
This "Tara P" is obviously looking for a fight. Personally, I'm tired of it and I'm done. Love ya girl. Hope you get to feeling better soon! Susan
on 4/15/07 9:09 pm - White Pine, TN
I don't know Dr. Melvin, but I can say this like another Poster, Vanderbilt is best of the best. My son has an accident in 1995 had a liver fracture and was bleeding to death. They flew him from St. Mary's in Knoxville to Vandie, he was at deaths door. We do give God all the glory, and thank Dr. Eddy a Lady Surgeon Teacher who got the bleeding stopped and gave our son back. I only have good things to say about Vanderbilt, they are top notch and have the best B-cause they are a teaching Hospital.
on 4/15/07 11:00 pm - TN
I have only heard only good things about Dr melvin... you are in great hands, I certainly understand because of your insurance, you have to narrow your field down to cetain hosptials and surgeons who accept your insurance, but you will be well taken care of and you can feel confident . They have wondeful surgeons there .. good luck Arianna
on 4/22/07 5:32 am
Thank you so much for all of the information! I feel much better now. Thanks again!
on 4/16/07 11:57 am - Madison, TN
Does it count if our surgeon did spend two years at Vanderbilt? Just askin.. not pickin a fight.
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