I have downloaded an up-to-date photo, but can't seem to get it on my profile or on the message board. What am I doing wrong?
I updated my profile. Makes for bathroom reading. I do have to see a GI Dr. when I get back to Nashville. I am unable to have a bowel movement. No matter what I do, I am in pain. I got used to having them every day, then 2-3 weeks ago it started to be once a week and very painful. Felt like I was being torn apart inside. It was bad that it wouldn't even flush, and two hours later I would finally get the toilet unplugged. I have been in the Morristown area this week and haven't had one at all. I talked with my GI Dr. today about it, and he want's me to see someone asap. He is wondering if the surgeon doing my tummy tuck on April 20th, can check that out, but I doubt it. He's a plastic surgeon, not a GI surgeon.
Need to go. See some of you on Saturday. Love and Prayers to all, Kathy