DR.Made comment yesterday when he was saying the stuff i would have to take to clean out my bowels i told him that i have been on that stuff all of it and throw it up could i take these pills its another prep and he acted like he didnt even want to hear of it and he is making me drink golitely and then the comment was you are not a very good canidate for this if you have all these problems. if i have throwing up problems because of that stuff and barium stuff like that does that make me not a good canident for the bypass.
I don't see why he can't give you something else if he insists on a bowel prep.
I didn't have to do a bowel prep with my surgeon, he only requires it for the DS. My clear liquid diet the day before surgery did a pretty good job of cleaning me out though.
I think most of the surgeons in Nashville who do require bowel prep direct patients to use Sodium Citrate.
If you have a very sensitive stomach, you may have a bit more nausea than others. But then again, you may not.
Good luck!
Annrenee, he didn't have me do a prep. But I started doing it a week before surgery. I started just going on liquids, one to shrink my liver as it was fatty, and I bought 2 bottles of the cherry flavored Citrate. The green makes me throw up. The cherry when chilled and poured over ice, is like a punch and easier to drink down real quick. I have to do the preps 2 days before any surgery, if I do it the day before, it hits me the morning of the procedure. You do what works for you, start on liquids, hot broth soups, jello, hot tea, and at least 2-3 cherry citrate, I found mine at Rite-Aid. I'll be heading back towards Nashville either tomorrow afternoon, or very early Saturday morning as I have a protein party at 1pm. I'll be more on line now that I have my computer up and running this weekend.
Oh gosh, you are lucky to have never heard of it! I had to drink an entire gallon one time and it is horrible...starts out like water and quickly turns to slime. But i gave up and went and got some mag citrate instead and no one ever knew the difference!
So I suggest just using the long as it cleans you out, that's what's important. And don't feel badly, there are lots of people that can't tolerate the Go Litely.
My surgeon was awesome, he gave me promethazine for the nausea and vomiting from the bowel prep. Maybe ask him for something like that, to help curb the nausea. Now i still got a little sick but I think it was because I fell asleep and did not take another dose of the promethazine like he recommended. Just a suggestion but worth a try.
may i ask how you took the promethizne? when doing the bowel prep? wonder if i can get promethizine over the counter and use it. the mag citate make me bloat gasy and throw up so does the go-litely OSMO is 32 pill bowel clense but he wouldnt give me that. I have done all the bowel preps that you drink and let me tell you i get sick with them all so i wantto try and take promethizine. thanksfor your input
You can not get it over the counter you have to get a script from you Dr., see if maybe your pcp will give it to you if the surgeon won't. Promethazine and phenegran are the same thing and I was given the citrate stuff that I had to drink the bottle of anyway.....the promethazine did wonders. I have a great surgeon and he presribes it to all his patients because he said nausea and vomitting are normal when doing the prep. I hope it works for ya. Keep me updated.