Ladies can I intrude.
I have been with the Florida Department of Corrections for 22 years and I am a Confinement Sergeant. Cops won't walk where I do daily without the benefit of a gun or weapon of some sort. Although I have many varied Business interests as well including Real Estate Investment, I have 3 Dump Trucks leased to a major concrete manufacturer here in North Florida. I also have a network marketing business that is rapidly growing and I prefer blunt honesty so fire away at will. I am now enroute back to Florida and when I stop down in Atlanta in the morning I will check for your message. Dan
Good Morning I live in the Olivet community in Savannah, just outside of town I just cannot believe some have never heard of Savannah Tennessee, as this is an historic town and a sleepy river town , but it is growing quickly... we are even getting a Lowe's which should be open about 2 weeks I love our little Golden Dragon Buffet & restaurant also, they have the very best hot & sour soup anywhere .Unfortunately there are no support groups around Savannah But there are some great ones in Nashville if you want to travel... I would rather take the freeway and go to Nashville even though it is a little longer the drive I believe is quicker and much more pleasant then going to Memphis or Jackson.. Centenial has support groups at 12 noon and 6Pm.. several times a week and even on Saturdays I wish we had support groups in Savannah but maybe just maybe ...someday we grow Anyway ...Welcome To Savannah !!!The only drawback in living in a town of 10,000 people is not having the very best hosptials and healthcare close by ,we have to travel .. it is a trade-off..
Hi Daniel, and welcome to TN and our fantastic board. First let me say, I so looooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee an man in a uniform. I don't know that area very well, I am currently living just south of the Nashville airport close to Murfreesboro. Each second Saturday of each month at 1pm, we get together either for a lunch, now we are doing protein parties where you get to taste different types to see which you like and agree with. Plus recipes of how to make the protein shakes easier to do. I would recommend the Magic Bullet for this. One or two may be at the party. This is our support group for the Nashville area. There are other support groups in Nashville but those in that area that are on this board come to our parties. We have a great time, and even some husbands come. You get to meet new friends, and will look forward to the next month.
Keep us posted. May God travel with you on your new journey, Kathy