Transferring to Nashville
Well I got the promotion and I'm moving to Nashville on June 15th. Now I need help finding an apartment. I've been told by an Apartment Selector that the apartment leasing business is very tight in Nashville and that if you have any blemishes on your credit its virtually impossible to rent an apartment. Can someone please tell me if this is true. Its got me scared to death that no one will rent to me. I have excellent rental history, I've lived in the same complex for 5 years here in Memphis. However, I do have a Chpt 7 bankruptcy that was discharged 5 years ago on my credit. This has got me really worried.
Any advice will help.
My brother has the worst credit on the face of the earth...he has really horrible credit!! He got a really nice house in Brentwood by going through an individual instead of an apartment leasing agency. He just called the number in the paper. He has a really nice two bedroom house in a nice area of Brentwood, (like there are any bad areas of Brentwood! LOL!), and he got it for less than an apartment in Nashville. He only pays $700 a month for a two bedroom...he got a roomate to share the rent so he just shells out $350. This may be a great option for you...something to consider.
There are alot of Aprtment complexes close to the airport area. You can online at and look by area it also list all info such as deposits and numbers for the complexes listed. There are some I Know callled Massman Manaor really close to Briley and Airport that are nice and reasonably priced. Congrats on your promotion and good luck in your apartment search!
Hi Karen, I am staying with my son in LaVergne just south of the airport. I too am looking for a place to live. Yes some will check your credit and the bankrupcy being discharged 5 yrs ago won't hurt you. I was denied by 2 complexes because my credit is about to go into chapter 7. But I am on Section 8 and it's been hard to find a place for me to live. So I am putting my name on the Lebanon housing project list as I will have until June 1 to find a place and most of May I will be laid up from having my tummy tuck next week. LaVergne is a nice place and 45 minutes from Nashville, Madison is 10 minutes north of Nashville is a suburb and is a great place to live. I used to live there. If you can get a referral letter from your landlord that will help you a lot. As long as there isn't anything else bad on your credit report during the last 5 years, you won't have a problem. But get the letter from your landlord as a reference. I wish you all the best in your move to Nashville. If I can help in any way let me know. There are several on this board that live in and around the Nashville area. The second Saturday of each month at 1pm, several of us get together. We used to meet and have lunch now we have protein parties to help getting our protein in. We're meeting this Saturday and you are most welcome to join us. Contact Melanie or Susan on this board to get the directions. It's north of Nashville in Gallatin.
Always Kathy