Question: How much excess skin do/did you have ?

on 4/10/07 9:44 am
For the last 5 months I have been working out and eating "well" not really a diet. I have lost 41 lbs as of today !! I know that with losing slowly your skin can 'adjust' somewhat better. I need to lose at least another 100 lbs to be at goal. If you exercise alot during the weightloss period, does it really make a differnce in the skin excess or will everyone need some form of plastic surgery for the skin ? I dont want to be blind to the idea that I may be saggy !! For all of you who have lost a large amt and who are losing. How do you feel your body looks ? Btw... if it matters, I am 30 and havent had any children lol
Kathy Newton
on 4/10/07 10:39 am - LaVergne, TN
You didn't mention what type of surgery you had. I had the gastric a year ago last january. I lost a lot and continue to still lose. But then I have leukemia and on chemo. I have loose skin especially in my thighs where I was confined to a power wheelchair for 3 years. I have no butt. When I look at myself in the mirror I don't like the saggy skin. I'm single and 53. My dollies won't stay in a sport bra as they are to droopy, my arms have a lot of loose skin, and so does my stomach. But I was a light weight when I went into surgery compared to a lot of others. The thighs skin is affecting my knees. I haven't been able to work out much as I suffer dizzy spells, fainting, plus just walking a few feet and my blood pressure will drop way to low. I have been forbidden by my Dr.'s to do any working out, or anything strenuous until they figure out why I keep getting dizzy and fainting. I think it has to do with the cancer in my blood. Each person's excess skin is different. So don't compare yourself to the others. We each carry our weight in different areas, and lose it differently, some fast, some slower and that's ok. Keep working out, drink your water, and you may not have as much loose skin. It sounds like you had the lap band. You will loose the weight slower, and may not have as much loose skin. Best too you, Kathy
on 4/10/07 10:46 am - Madison, TN
With losing weight SO fast, there really isnt anything to keep you from getting saggy skin... but all the exercise will help! I did well for awhile, but now I am seeing sagginess. I wish and pray that maybe the pannicula thingy magoogywink apron will be covered under insurance... maybe I can get lucky enough to have it hang down too far. But a girl can dream, cant she? I dont think it will be bad enough in the end for insurance to cover it, but I sure wish.... I had never sunned/tanned... very pale skin, no children, and its done ok, but there area few area... like inner thighs, underarms... if you want to call them underarms... you could call them batwings...
on 4/10/07 11:52 am - Maryville, TN
The batwings are my worst thing right now. I have heard that the scars of having them repaired are worse than the flab itself. Has anyone you know had their arms done?? I have an umbilical hernia and after I am at goal I should be able to get this fixed by my insurance- I have been told that they can do a little tummy tuck while they are repairing the hernia. I don't know if I should consider myself to be lucky or not!!
on 4/10/07 12:26 pm
Kathy... I havent had any surgery yet. The 41 lbs I have lost have been just through diet and exercise. I just get concerned over body image every AFTER losing the weight. I have read alot about depression , etc. from still not being happy with what you see. Someone told me that their neice used cocoa butter to help tone and moisturize the skin while losing and it really helped her arms. Not sure this is true. Now, I have larger upper arms and some form of "bat wing" but its solid and not saggy (yet lol )
Susan J.
on 4/11/07 7:09 am - Madison, TN
I agree on the batwings. I've told my husband, either I need to have plastics on my arms or I need a pilot's license so I can use them to fly. Since I'm a bit older than most of the rest of you, and I've had 2 children, I think I probably have a bit more loose skin on my tummy too. Though I am finding that the panni is getting smaller as I lose more weight. I do plan on having a lower body lift, upper arms, breast lift & inner thigh lift within a couple of years. I have a couple of non weight related/non financial things that will determine when I have plastics.
Kym B.
on 4/11/07 9:07 am - Lawrenceburg, TN
I stumbled upon a site about a woman who went from nearly 300 to 137 and she didn't have any skin to get rid of. She has to get a boob job but is not going to until after she has her kids. She posted a FAQ section and answered the question perfectly. It depends on a few old are you? 30 and under have an easier time with long have you been obese...this is a major factor. 10 years or less ususally means less skin. How much do you weigh? Those that start out over 300 usually have a lot more skin to deal with. Also, exercise is key, especially abs and arms. Her pics were amazing...she had the batwings to start with but as the year went along, they shrank considerably with exercise to the point that she doesn't need surgery. She ended up with a little bit of sag on her tummy that a bikini bottom covers and saggy boobs. Dr. Houston told me pretty much the same...he did say that the boobs and the butt will not bounce back but that anything else is unpredictable. I have to say, her butt was a little saggy but the bikini covered it up...I think the website is
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