Honey, I'm Home...

on 4/9/07 8:55 am - Madison, TN
Well I am finally home from my trip to Illinois... I missed my lil' babies, FooFoo and Kobe, but only to find the little spoiled brats didn't miss me at all! So much for the treats I bought for them... although I already gave them some, I couldn't wait! Got to see my whole family on my mom's side. We found out the night before our trip that my uncle passed away. So we had a visitation and funeral to attend. Not sure how other people's families do funerals, but afterwards, the family all gathers at one relatives home and its like a family reunion, eating food, etc. Well they ate the food... I didn't. All stuff I could not have but did eat about a fourth of a piece of cheese. Took my own drink. Did pretty good with the food while I was there, but did eat some pizza. Once I got started, I just couldnt stop until I ate half a 20" pizza by myself. NO I AM JUST KIDDIN'!! I did pretty good, but let me tell you ... I was so happy to finally eat out yesterday after church and get my salmon. I missed it so much... I wanted salmon the whole time I was there... OK Now for the wow moments. My aunt Helen came in to see me at my other aunts house... she just stared at me... did not say a word... then her eyes went down and up again... she was shocked. And let me say... she does not get speechless over anything... !! She said later I looked great and she didn't say anything cause she was so jealous (she is a hoot). My other aunt Shirley, when we went to her house after the funeral, said, "You have lost a lot of weight... how did you do THAT?" I said, I had surgery, remember? She said "Oh yeah..." My uncle Bill just kept staring at me... I wondered if he remembered who we all were... he can't hear good, he's getting older... my mom said he told her yesterday there were only 2 people he did not know Saturday... my cousin Melissa (she is really big right now as she is pregnant) and me (he kept studying me until he realized my cheek bones were high just like my mother's, then he figured out who I was). Now for the good one... I went to church with my aunt on Sunday... the one... the lady who was always mean to me... I sat there in the pew looking toward the door straight ahead... and there she was in the foyer. Our eyes locked in a dead stare, then something caught my attention to the side so I glanced over... she did everything she could to avoid me! She would not come over to where I was sitting, but was moving around near my area, then finally got seated... her brother in law came in later, walked past me and had no idea who I was... I said "Hey stranger!" and immediately he turned to look and did a double take. He was shocked, but then so did "the woman"... and she hollered over "Hey skinny". Then she hollered, and she was only across the aisle and a pew up from me, "How did you lose all that weight?" I said, "I had medical intervention." Heck if it worked for Star Jones, I thought maybe it could work for me... Well I want you to know, she came over and hugged me. and told me that I looked great. I said well thank you... Later, now this is mean, I will 'fess up... I asked my aunt, "How come she didn't dress up?... After all, its Easter.... if she needed some clothes, I could have brought her some of my old ones!" hahaha bwahaahahaa!! I am so bad. Ok Ok its not what Jesus would do. I NEEDED to be at church... I will admit it... But now I am all prayed through and hopefully forgiven so we won't need to worry about that mean streak til next year when I go visit... I missed you all and wondered what was going on.... had 62 emails when I returned... luckily half were ads that I could delete... I am now looking forward to the protein party... OH AND GUESS WHAT? Please be in prayer for me this week... I got a message on my phone Friday that the HR lady wants me to come interview for the position I'm trying for... OH and another thing... my aunt gave me a whole closet full of clothes... dresses, skirts, capri pants, size 10s just like I needed! I just need a new job to wear them to!
on 4/9/07 10:10 am - Nashville, TN
Welcome Back!!! You were missed while you were gone. It sounds like you had a wonderful time, with the exception of your loss, which I am very sorry to hear about. I knew you would knock everyone's socks off and you did!! Shelia
Melissa C.
on 4/9/07 10:29 am - Goodspring, TN
What an adventful weekend you had. Don't some church people just kill you? You showed her nannannnabooboo ...ok now this church person is being mean so I'd better hush. Just wanted to say welcome back, sorry for your loss and way to be strong around all that food. Oh and let us know how the interview goes. Melissa
on 4/9/07 10:44 am
Good luck with that interview girl! We are all rootin for ya!
on 4/9/07 11:25 am - Nashville, TN
Oh yeah!!! You will do wonderful on your interview. Good luck, but you really do not need it. Shelia
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