60 inches smaller !!!!
I measured today, losing this last month 14.75", for a total of 60" in the last 4 months and 1 week.
Body Part Inches Lost
Rt. Arm 4"
Left Arm 3"
Breasts 10 1/2"
Rt. Thigh 5"
Lft. Thigh 6"
Waist 14 1/2"
Hips 12"
Left Calf 2"
Rt. Calf 2"
Neck 1'
My husband said you've lost a total 5 foot. How sweet is that !!!
This made me curious to as to my total inches lost. As of March 22, which was the last time I have taken my measurements, I have lost 115 inches.
neck - 2.5
rt bicep - 6.5
lft bicep - 6.5
rt forearm - 2.25
lt forearm - 2.25
chest - 11.5
waist - 24.5
hips - 25
rt thigh - 9
lt thigh - 9
rt calf - 8
lt calf - 8