Major prayer request for a friend
I dont usually do this, but we are in need of a major miracle. One of my closest friends from Ga is dying. She is in her 40's and has already lived longer than anyone expected. She has a rare bleeding disorder (type of hemophilia) called vanWillebrands and it causes bleeds in the joints. From her ports, she has developed a blockage in a major vessel going to her heart. Vascular surgeons at major facilities (think Mayo, emory etc) wont touch her because of her bleeding disorder. NOw she is in alot of pain and has a tear somewhere in her body that is bleeding. She has a special ministry in dealing with those who have chronic illness. She has always had an amazing attitude and is afraid to take hospice because it may effect her witness.
This lady is the reason I became a nurse. She place my pin on me at my pinning ceremony. My heart is breaking and I am in a different state and cannot help her.
If you guys wouldnt mind storming heaven for her. Her family.
(deactivated member)
on 4/3/07 12:35 am - Greenfield, TN
on 4/3/07 12:35 am - Greenfield, TN
So sorry about your friend. I will send a special prayer her way.
Hugs Ellen