Mad and Hurt.

on 4/2/07 1:11 pm - Knoxville, TN
Greetings Friends, Last night I was on my way back from buying some new clothes in size 16's from Ross's and picking up my parents dinner. I was a mile and a half from my road. When all of a sudden a guy in a light blue buick went sideways in my lane and was coming at me fast. I had slowed down so he could get control of the his car. I notice then that he had control and was just showing out. But he is now a car lenght from me and coming fast. He was going to hit me head on to his side. I saw I was about to die. So I hit my gas and jerked the steering wheel to the right about a half a car's lenght now and missed him only to miss a tree and hit nose first of my car into a creek flood enbankment ditch. I was lucky I was wearing my seat belt. I was throw forwarded and I hurt my left shoulder and my lower back and my neck. I turned only to see the guy drive off. I was not scared Only made and shaken. The police came and wrote an report and three poeple chased the car down to get the plate number for me. They did get the plate number and saw what he looked like. But the police say there was nothing they could really do now. It is his word against mine. Even with the fourth watchness who saw the whole thing from his porch. I called my father who brought down his wrecker and pulled my car out. I was able to drive my car home. But it was like I had two flats. But I didn't actually have one. I had to go to the hospital two hours later when the pain started up and the numbness wore off. I had whiplash in my neck and a sprain wrist and my shoulder is stressed and the muslces in my back were pulled badly.And I have a cut from the seat belt across my neck. I am having some trouble eating right now. But I am going to call my WL Dr. about it ,if it does not get better. I found a knot in my stomach tonight. I am keeping positvie until I can talk to my Dr. The ER doctor does not think it is something to worry about. I am really sore and it shot my blood pressure up to 140 and I am really sore and mad. There is nothing I can do until I get my police report. I am going to get the plate number and look up the address and go to the home to see if it is the man I saw the who caused the accident. IF so I will call the police and having him arrested. ANd I will file legal action against the Jerk. He could have killed me. Harm or killed others too. I went out side to look at my car today and wanted to cry. It riped the under sheild from under my car and thrown off my lights and damaged my front bumper under side and damage a ball joint and more. I am the lucky one, I was able to walk away. I am really lucky. I pray to the almighty for thanks and watching over me. I wish there was more I could do. But my hands are tied. Your friend, Tina Cannon
on 4/2/07 1:22 pm - Madison, TN
Thank God you were not killed! Your fast thinking probably saved your life! I cannot believe that idiot acting like he did! I hope that something comes of him getting into trouble. He needs to learn a lesson. But I am sorry to hear about how sore you are. I hope and pray,along with everyone else, that you will be ok. Especially that knot in/on your stomach. I hope it did not harm anything inside. You paid a lot for your car and take good care of it to have some idiot take it all away. Its frustrating, and its easy for others to say, "But you're alive...." So true yes you are, but still there are a lot of things you are going to have to deal with... quotes to have the body fixed, perhaps some engine repair, axels, tires, etc checked out, paint job, time spent without your car and perhaps a rental car, and maybe some expenses out of your pocket, but hopefully not. I would be so mad too !! Keep us posted, and glad that you are alive!
Darlene H.
on 4/2/07 1:38 pm - Pinson, TN
Tina, After you find out if this was indeed the Jerk that ran you off the road, just call the police and don't confront him (even though I know I would want to) but that would just be feeding his ego. I would be sure to press charges and make him/his insurance pay for your vehicle and your ER bill. His insurance company needs to know his driving behavior leaves them open for litigation. I would consider this assault with a deadly weapon. You were scared for your life and 6000#s of vehicle is definitely a weapon. I am glad that you weren't hurt any worse and I hope the knot in your stomach isn't anything major. You are in my prayers. Darlene
on 4/2/07 1:45 pm - Springfield, TN
I hate to hear that!! I'm glad you weren't seriously injured like you could have been. The nerve of some people! I deal with idiots everyday commuting to Nashville so I can certainly understand..but to intentionally try to run someone off the road. That ****** me off Nothing they could do?? That is BULL... there are 4 witnesses and a tag number??? I work with law officers... they can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! You should have gotten a copy of your police report on the spot too. Oh, don't try to take things into your own hands...don't go to this person's house... you'll only cause trouble for yourself. He can counter with harrassment or something crazy. I hope you get a hold of your surgeon... but the knot could be a fat pocket.. I got them a lot when I was losing really fast..they eventually go away. I was constantly paranoid I had a hernia or something...but it still is a good idea to get it checked out. Try to relax and take care of yourself
Kym B.
on 4/2/07 3:13 pm - Lawrenceburg, TN
I am so sorry this happened to you! Some people have way too much bravado and too few brains! Good luck prosecuting this may just save someone from the same experience or worse!
Susan J.
on 4/2/07 9:16 pm - Madison, TN
I agree, Tina. Do not try and confront this idiot! Listen to April and get the copy of your police report and pursue this in the legal system. On top of causing you to wreck due to his wreckless driving, he should be charged with leaving the scene. Did you get the names and contact info of your witnesses? Your word against his my a$$! It's his word against you and 4 sober adults! Jerks like this make me so-o-o mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everything is alright with you physically.
on 4/2/07 10:13 pm - Springfield, TN
Tina, Thank goodness you are o.k. I am so sorry this happened to you. People like that do not need to be driving. I can't blame you for being angry. How dare someone be so inconsiderate of someone else's well being?? I am just really glad you are alright. {{Huggs}}
Misty A.
on 4/2/07 11:15 pm - White House, TN
Hi Tina. I am really glad to hear that you were not hurt more seriously. I hope you can recover from this quickly. I hate idiot drivers! Just know that "what goes around, comes around". He will get his in the end. Misty
Melissa C.
on 4/4/07 10:51 am - Goodspring, TN
Glad you are not hurt seriously by that jerk. Make sure to keep all of your records of er visits and etc... If they nail this guy like they should have done in the first place he will have to pay for everything. But please don't go to his house. If he was crazy enough to do all this to you and not give a rat's @ss what makes you think he won't do anything worse during a confrontation? I know you're mad and upset but don't let that get in the way of your better judgement. I hope you (and your car) get to feeling better. Melissa
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