My One Year Appointment...
Thanks for asking April. I'm doing well. Just had trouble with the liquid portion of my diet. I was having problems getting enough protein or liquid in. He was not happy so he put let me go up to the blended foods. I have to have 3 meals/day plus 2 protein shakes/day plus my 64 oz fluids/day. So I've constantly got something to eat or drink in my hand! But I am feeling better. I was feeling a little dehydrated and he said I was malnourished. He threatened me with the hospital so I'm working as hard as I can to avoid that!
Once again, I've very proud of you! You look awesome girl!
How awesome do you look!?!? Whoooo hoooo for April!!
You are truly an inspiration April, and I know we all seem to focus on
what the outside looks like - but the outside is just so amazing, its hard not to!!
You are a beautiful young lady, and I know that the Lord will continue to
bless you in your journey. Keep up the great work!