anyone from Memphis?

on 3/29/07 3:43 am - Memphis, TN
Hey, Im new to the board and was wondering who is from Memphis? I am getting closer to my next step in the (some call it journey, i call it ordeal) process of getting my lapband. I had to participate in a year long weight loss attempt, which ended in January, then wait wait wait for approval, which i did get HOORAY, now im waiting again. But yesterday Dr. Woodmans office called and gave me my appointment to meet him. So I am very excited and now Im getting nervous. I did lose about 30 pounds in my year so thats a good thing, but i never did really start exercising because of pain in feet, legs, back. So here I am, and Im full of questions. Glad ya'll are here....deb
Darlene H.
on 3/29/07 7:13 am - Pinson, TN
Hi Deb, I live in Pinson, outside of Jackson, and I am glad you are on the board. It has helped me alot, due to the lack of support groups in my area. I decided to start a support group in the Jackson area, because, I knew if i needed a support system surely there were others who needed it too. we have a pretty good group and it grows every month. Hope you have a good support system and congrats on your approval. I had my RNY in Nashville, so I cna't help you on docs in the area. Good luck Darlene
on 3/31/07 2:59 pm - Jackson, TN
HI Darlene, I live in Jackson and am waiting on my insurance approval. Where and when does your support group meet in Jackson. I am very interested in joining your group. When did you have your RNY? Which doctor did you choose in Nashville? Thanks, Beth
Darlene H.
on 4/1/07 8:48 am - Pinson, TN
Beth, We meet on the fourth Tuesday night of the month at 7pm. Our next meeting will be on April 24th. We are now meeting at: The Pythian Building The John A Roberg Hall 3rd Floor 204 East Main Street Jackson, Tn. We would love for you to join us, we have people at all stages in the process, pre-op and post op. I had my RNY on 2/25/04 and Dr. Hugh Houston from Centennial Medical Center was my surgeon. I was self pay, you can read my profile to see all the insurance probs I had. Please join us. Thanks, Darlene
on 3/29/07 11:01 am - collierville, TN
Hi Deb, Congrats!!!! I live in Collierville. I am also a patient of Dr. Woodman's. I was banded on March 14 2007. I was self pay so luckily Did not have to go through what you had to . So if you were able to do that this will be nothing. This has been the greatest thing I have ever done. Yes I am only 2 weeks post op , so that tells you if your being banded it is not that bad. I really liked Dr. Woodman. Yes he tells it to you like it is. Also if you ever have any questions email him. He responds to you quickly( I always email late afternoon early evening). Good luck. Hope to see you at the support groups soon.
on 3/29/07 2:01 pm - Memphis, TN
Hi Darlene and Shari, Thanks for the replies. I am very glad my insurance approved me the first time around. The hardest part was the year long wait and another futile attempt for me to try to lose it with out the band. It did give me time to reflect on it and decided it was definately for me. Shari, tell me more about the support groups in Memphis, please. I have not heard of these. Do they have them for pre op and post op patients? I do have some burning thoughts about all of this. I have been reading the bandsters on yahoo off and on since I began researching all of this and have seen some issues I wondered about. Such as the diet coke thing. Some docs say its ok, and some dont. What does Doc Woodman say? I guess alot of my questions will be answered on my appointment date. Up to now, I have only seen Ann and that was over a year ago. She was the one I met with initially. One of the things Im curious about is, what do you eat and how? Do you have to grind it up or can you just chew it up? Are sandwiches a thing of the past? Do you get starving hungry anymore? Does you lower stomach still growl even when the upper one is full? Im very excited but anxious. Im a creature of habit and I will have to change alot of them. I also work nites, so I eat at nite when I work, but at home I still want to eat at nite. LOL...hence my weight problem. Thanks ahead of time.
on 3/31/07 12:50 pm - Memphis, TN
Hey Deb, Congratulations on your approval. I'm from Memphis and also a patient of Dr.Woodman's. I have just submitted all of my informationg to Dr.Woodman's office with the exception of the letter from my PCP which will be submitted this week. So I am also in the waiting phase of the "ordeal". Good Luck on journey to the losers bench Vi
on 3/31/07 2:55 pm - Jackson, TN
Hi There, My paperwork was just submitted to my insurance company last week for approval. I am also a patient of Dr. Woodman's and I live in Jackson. I have read all the reviews on Dr. Woodman and feel very comfortable using him. I am having the bypass and should have my answer from my insurance company within 30 days. Congrats! on your 30 lb loss, that's a start. I was lucky as my insurance didn't require the weight loss attempt. I also have several questions and maybe we can find out the answers together. Good Luck and Let us know how your appointment goes and when the big day is. Beth
on 4/1/07 5:52 pm - Memphis, TN
Great to know this list is active. I was still wondering about the support groups in Memphis, specifically dr woodmans support groups.
on 4/2/07 7:58 am - Memphis, TN
Hi Beth and Viola, Congrads to both of you too!! I was told by the lady who called me, that I would be given a surgery date when I go in for my appointment. I hope its not too far off. I am mentally ready and want to go ahead before I chicken out. Beth, what made you decide on the bypass? Just wondering, because I have wondered if I should have that instead of the Lapband. I hear his manner is not warm and fuzzy and he is a no nonsense guy, and I probably need that kind of Dr., because I am an old 25 year icu nurse and I tend to surround myself with docs i can push around. LOL. See ya'll later.......Deb
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