Vitamin D Deficient

Misty A.
on 3/28/07 7:26 am - White House, TN
I recently went to see the nurse at my surgeons office for blood work. I have been feeling really bad these past couple of weeks. I have been sooo tired and exhausted and it just keep getting worse by the day (no energy). I also kept a headache everyday and was having some kidney problems on and off and swelling in my ankles and light headed and dizzy. I also have been nauseous. I just knew this was not normal for me and I thought I needed a B-12 shot because I never had one. Well, I was put on Foltrin for iron and B-12 because the Dr thought I was becoming anemic. My blood work came back in and it turned out that I was really really low on Vitamin D. So they are prescribing me that to get that back up. Although my other levels were ok and I am not anemic, I am still going to take the Foltrin. I have not been doing good taking my vitamins and that goes to show you how important they are. I can not believe that being so low on Vitamin D will cause all these symptoms and problems I have had over these past couple of weeks - Especially since I am 9 months out. Apparently you have to keep taking your vitamins for the rest of your life. Who would have thought! . I just hope it gets better quick! Everyone take it from me - A Vitamin (or two) a day will keep the Dr Away! Misty
on 3/28/07 8:24 am - Nashville, TN
Misty, I hate that you are having this problem, but I am glad that you have the answer now. Hope you get to feeling better soon!! Shelia
Susan J.
on 3/28/07 9:44 pm - Madison, TN
I was diagnosed with low Vitamin D prior to surgery. We got my levels up but my 1 year post-op labs showed a low level again. I went through 8 more weeks of high dose Vitamin D and I made sure my calcium supplement contains D. (I had inadvertantly picked up a calcium supplement that did not contain D...silly me) I also use the low D issue as an excuse to get outside as often as I can since the sun is an excellent source of vitamin D. My surgeon has had me on Foltrin since immediately post-op. He puts all of his patients on iron and B-12, even the men. You learned something from this that can benefit all of us...TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!!!! Hope you get to feeling better real soon. Susan
on 3/28/07 9:45 pm - TN
Good morning Misty .... I had lap band surgery on Oct. 19 but I had to have my gallbladder removed in August... 3 months before. My surgeon said there was a small risk of infection and could not do both at the same time .My gall bladder was very infected and had been malfuntioning for years ..I had blood tests done at my surgeons office in January and they found a vitamon D deficit .I was extremely low, I was told I had to start taking D that very day they called they had already ordered it at my pharmacy and it was already for pickup!!I thought it was my arithirits acting up ,my legs and arms hurt & were aching I was put on 50,000 units Vit D every week for 12 weeks I noticed after 3 or 4 weeks the aching in my leg and arm bones quit and I now feel so much better and have more energy& i feel so much better ! looked up Vitamin D defiency on the internet, and found a malfuntioning gallbladder or anyone with a gall bladder removed can no longer utilize Vit D properly and it can sure cause many problems ... Yes taking Vitiamn D and al your vitiamins is very very important and unless it actually happens to you it is hard to beleive what it can do. Folks with lap bands do not have malabsorption issues so most do not have what happened to me , but I am here to tell you these things happen anyway and my surgeon believes in lots of vitimans& minerals as we do not eat enough to fullfiil our vitiamn and mineral needs
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