Have clothes... will travel
I knew that would catch your eye.
I have some clothes that I have taken out of the closet... I do not have any one in mind that I can give them to.
I will bring them Saturday and if they fit you or you like/want them, you can take them... so... thus the title, Have clothes... will travel (to Cool Springs, that is)
They are size 12s mostly, a few 14s... remember though I am only 5'4 so they aren't tall...
I too have clothes ranging from size 12 and up. They also will be at Cool Springs on Saturday. I'm 5'3" so one pair of jeans was 12 average is now 12 petite, they shrunk in the dryer, the other jeans have never seen the dryer so they are longer. I have some shirts, dress items, brand new suit.
I am in small tops, and 8-10 size jeans (Levistrauss). Kathy