Letter or not?!?? I need your help!
All of my records, and letters from my surgeon, and PCP have been submitted for review from my insurance company. It was received last week. Question.... should I write a personal letter pleading my case, and "personalizing" it? Explaining in my words why I need this surgery to take place.... what do you think? Should I do this or just leave it to the doctor's information that they submitted for me?
Any of you that might have written a letter, what did you say? I just don't want there to be any stone unturned, or there to be any question in their minds - that I need this!
I have relied so much on you guys for your support, and your experience, and your wisdom, and now I am asking again.
Thank you for any help that you might be able to give me. May you and yours be blessed today.
If you get turned down and that would be disappointing would you feel like you had done everything you could have if you don't write a personal letter? If you write a letter then you know that you have done everything you could and never wonder what if. My sister-in-law wrote a personal letter and it helped.
I spoke with my insurance company yesterday, and for the first time in a long drawn out time... I actually feel hopeful that I am about to get an approval!!! The lady I spoke with said that it is still in the review process, but that she had seen my file, and with all of the information that I had included, and the co-morbitities (sp) that I have, she could not see any reason why I couldnt be passed through. I know its a long shot, but I am allowing myself to be a bit hopeful!!!
I asked her about a personal letter from me,and she advised against it at this time - she said that unless there was a denial, it would kind of be a moot point. So I wait.
This is going to be an awesome week for me... I know it... and I am ready! I told her that my birthday is on Friday, and that would be an awesome birthday present!!! She agreed, and thought that I should celebrate~
All the best to each of you.....
Blessings, Sonya