on 10/11/06 9:40 am - Springfield, TN
Hi Everybody, Ok my time is getting close. I will find out in a few weeks if my insurance will change next year. I expect it will contain the same (B.S.) exclussion as my policy does now. If WLS is excluded as I expect I am prepared to selfpay and take advantage of the Tax break. My question is if I have a Lap RNY how long can I expect to be out of work. Any input will be much appreciated. Thanks, Steve
Susan J.
on 10/11/06 9:50 am - Madison, TN
It will depend greatly on what type of work you do. I have an office job with no lifting and I went back 12 days post-op. I only worked half days for the first 2 or 3 weeks and slowly worked my way back up to full days. My energy level was very low for the first couple of months. By the time I got home I was wiped out. Good luck! Susan
Kathy Newton
on 10/11/06 10:10 am - LaVergne, TN
Hi Steve like Susan said depends on what your job is. You can't lift anything for at least 6 weeks, but several have been able to go back to work after a month. Remember your body has had major surgery, and you will tire real easily. Check with your surgeon and see what he/she says. The next thing you need to do is call 1-800-ID-Alert, and register with medic alert. There's a reason I say that. You can never have the n/g tube put down your nose ever again, as it can tear your new pouch. They force it down. I accidently took to many pills once, and had to have my stomach pumped. I got tired of that in my nose and pulled out ove 5 yards, picture that being forced into your new pouch. They can only use the endoscope, and Medic Alert is aware of this and will put it on the paper for you to carry with you. Then if something happens, you will have that in writing and on either the braclet or the stainless steel necklace (what I wear) then if you have to go to the ER they will know that you have had this surgery and to not use the n/g tube down your nose. Keep us informed on your progress. May God travel with you on this journey. Always here, kathy
on 10/12/06 1:32 am - Springfield, TN
Steve, I am a manager of a retail shop. I was 100% in two weeks. I was still a little sore but nothing I couldn't cope with. The first day back I did water aerobics after work. Of course, I'm young so I can only say use your own discretion. Good luck! April
Toni M
on 10/13/06 4:21 am - Gallatin, TN
That really depends on your surgeon, the type of work you do, and your company's short term disability policy. I am very fortunate to have a very generous STD policy at the company I work for and my surgeon told me to take full advantage of it. I am an admin aide so the majority of my work is at a computer, but there is some light lifting (a box of paper weights about 50 lbs). I was completely off work for six weeks and then went half days for two additional weeks. I was so ready to come back to work it wasn't funny. I have heard that some people go back as soon as two - three weeks post op. I could not have gone back that soon, I was still just too exhausted at that point. Not to mention that I developed a fever at two weeks out. It was taken care of with an antibiotic and I didn't have any problems what so ever. Good luck with the process. Toni
Susan J.
on 10/13/06 9:59 am - Madison, TN
I would have loved to take advantage of my STD at work. Before I even went out for surgery my boss was having anxiety attacks about being on his own. When I offered to try coming in for a few hours after 2 weeks, if I was feeling up to it, I thought he was going to jump his desk and kiss me! He wouldn't let me do anything physical for the first 2 months back. He made all of the trips upstairs to get mail, drop off paperwork at other offices, etc. He didn't even let the campus know I was coming in. My phone stayed routed to a receptionist for 2 months. After I came back, I heard from everyone I ran into just what a basket case he was without me. Even the president of the university told me he (my boss) was lost without me. I don't know what he'll do when I have my reconstructive surgery. I don't think I'm going to be able to come back that soon after a lower body lift. I do have the world's most wonderful boss! Susan
on 12/7/06 1:30 am - Hendersonville, TN
Steve, the true answer all depends. It depends on all of the things mentioned: what kind of surgery; what kind of work; how well you heal; what complications you have if any; what your doctor says; and on and on and on. Now, that being said...I had Laparascopic Roux En Y in South San Francisco a year ago. I went in at 11 AM one day and was out and home by 11 AM the next day. I have had 0 zero complications. I visited my office on Monday following my surgery the Thursday before. I felt great. My office told me they needed a physician's release to allow me doctor had me wait 2 weeks. I worked at home for those two weeks. I was a public health bioterrorism consultant at the time. It's all good. Take the time you need to heal. Be kind to your body and spirit. Best regards, Jerry
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