Hey everyone, listen up. I am urging you to please register with Medic Alert regarding your surgery. They charge $20 a year for membership. It will state that you have had the gastric or the lapband surgery and to not put the n/g tube down your nose. This isn't just while the pouch is healing, it's for life. The n/g tube is pushed down far and is several yards, it can and will rupture the pouch. The Dr.'s can only use the scope down your throat. Having this information registered has saved my life several times over the past few months. Please call and register. The number is 1-800-ID-ALERT.
What have you got to lose, except your life. Love Kathy
You will receive a card to carry with you, an emblem for your car window, one for your home, plus a paper that lists, your PCP and #, ER contact and #, your medical history, what medications you take and when, plus your allergies. I wear the stainless steel necklace (costs $30) and it's listed on the back, that I am deadly allergic to Pcn, bees, had gastric bypass. Then the ER Dr.'s know that you have had this surgery and will then know what to look for if for any reason you have to go to the emergency room. I have been a member since 96 as I am allergic to 28 medications. I can't remember them all, but it's listed under medical problems, that I have Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia and on chemo, gastric bypass, do not use n/g tube but scope threw the throat instead, what my blood type is, my medications, that I am on oxygen level 2 but right now it's at level 4 as I have low levels of potassium from the chemo pills and it's playing hectic with my heart. I can't breath on my own as the pain is horrible, so by increasing my oxygen it forces air into my lungs to minimize the pain in my chest. But I can update my medical information online, and within 10 days, I have a new card and an information sheet to carry with me at all times. I was taken to the ER yesterday by ambulance because of severe chest gripping pain, my oxygen level was 66 and I was on level 2, they had to increase it to force air into my lungs so they wouldn't collaspe. They had my membership number from my necklace and was able to treat me without any problems. It has saved my life several times. Everytime, my medicine is changed or increased, I update it with medic alert.
Call 1-800-ID-ALERT and just talk to them about this and ask them what the n/g tube can do to the pouch after surgery. When I called them to have it listed under my medical information, they immediately said to never have the n/g tube put into my nose as it's forced down so much that it will tear the pouch and can actually rupture it while it's still healing. But it's not just for the time period of healing, it's for life.
There was a time in my dark life years back that I overdosed. I couldn't handle my grieving or the pain that came with it. I no longer wanted to live, they forced the tube down my nose while I was awake to pump out my stomach of the pills I had taken. I couldn't stand that thing so when they weren'****ching me like they were supposed to, I pulled it out and it was a good 4 yards long. Now picture that being forced into your small pouch. It also is very painful when they are putting into your nose and forcing it down. Think about it and just call. They can explain about their program, but the membership is $20 a year, and the stainless steel braclet or neckless is $30. It only comes off when I am having an x-ray or anything dealing with radioactive machines. Otherwise, I never take it off and never will. Love Kathy