Almost two weeks out, and down 18 pds!!!!
Hey Everyone, It's been 12 days since surgery and I have already lost 18 pds. I know that this is the fastest that the weight will ever come off, but still it is very exciting!!!
I am healing very well, my six little incesions bearly look like they will leave a mark. When I had my staples come out they felt a heck of a lot better too. I have been walking, but tomarrow I think I will try the gym. Anyway I will update my profile now, I have been slacking on that!!! Luv, Jacqueline
Hey little one, congrads on the weightloss. You'll lose the most during the first 3 months. I know I did, now I am at a plateau, but all I have to do is drink more water and I haven't taken my chemo pills for 5 days as it was putting weight on me and causing a lot of problems. You keep up the great work, and keep us informed. Love ya, Kathy